Deputy Principal

Teaching and Learning / Maths News

Eloise Ellis

Vision For Instruction


The Vision for Instruction has been designed by Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools to support our schools with clear guidance on instructional best practice, ensuring a consistent approach to teaching and learning excellence across our system.



The strategic plan states, "By 2030, we aim to become the benchmark for excellence in teaching and learning, through a coherently integrated, academically competitive and distinctively Catholic educational offering." The following document provides a position statement from MACS that outlines the VFI:



St Michael's have already begun our journey into how students learn, addressing Cognitive Load and how to reduce that by introducing daily retrieval practice through Daily Reviews. The Daily Review consolidates students' understanding and develops their fluency in essential understandings for literacy and numeracy sessions. It also ensures that students have the prerequisite skills for the day's lesson.


St Michael's staff are using a resource called Ochre ( Ochre are a national not-for profit organisation committed to advancing student outcomes and closing the disadvantage gap by supporting teachers to teach, and enabling all Australian students to access a high-quality curriculum, through their online library. 


Our teachers are using The Daily Review Mathematics slide decks on Ochre each day as part of Maths lessons. Students are given mini whiteboards and markers and as a whole class, review concepts and skills that have been previously taught. It is an excellent way for teachers to gauge student understanding on a certain topic, as well as give students the constant review of learning.