Religious Education

Mr Ray Hickey

Pentecost Sunday

This Sunday, 19th May, the Catholic Church celebrates Pentecost Sunday

In the Catholic tradition, Pentecost is celebrated as the coming of the Holy Spirit, promised by Jesus, that empowered the disciples to spread the Good News of Jesus and gather the followers to form the Catholic Church. The Holy Spirit energises us, just as it did for the early disciples. Pentecost Sunday is the birthday of the Catholic Church.  

Let the Holy Spirit be your guide in the week ahead. 

Listen to the Holy Spirit, be energised by the Holy Spirit and see what happens!     

May is the month for Mary

May is the month dedicated to Mary, our mother in Heaven. Find time individually or with family members to pray the Hail Mary in honour of Mary. She is always there for us to share in our good and not so good times. 

Sacrament of Eucharist

Please keep the Year Four students who are receiving their First Holy Communion on the 1st and 2nd of June in your prayers. 

On Wednesday 22nd May, the Year Four students will participate in the Eucharist Reflection Day at St Michael's School. They will be joined by the children from the parish who are working with Deacon Malcolm to  prepare for their First Eucharist.