Principal's report 

Tom Cain

In our classrooms

Welcome back to Term 2, it’s been wonderful to see our students quickly readjust to school life this term. This seamless transition is a credit to the consistent and clear routines our teachers have established as well as the strong support students receive at home. Thank you for your efforts in supporting your children back to school this term. 


Proud Port Points

Well over 3000 points were earned each week across the school in our first term. Congratulations to all classes.  The inaugural winners for our Proud Ports Points were:

  • Junior winners – 1BC
  • Senior winners – 6AB
  • Overall winners – 5AB

This term while our paper points will continue, we are moving to digital points within the classroom. This will make it more efficient for teachers. We look forward to seeing this term’s winning classes.

In our community

We have several parent-led events occurring this term including our Mother's Day Lunch and a new Winter Solstice event. These events are led by our PFA and are only possible thanks to the generosity of volunteers giving up their time. The PFA is always in need of volunteers, offering a variety of roles that accommodate both in-person and remote participation for those unable to attend events and activities. If you’re interested in making a direct impact on our community, please consider volunteering.


Parent payments (voluntary contributions)

This week, I’ve sent out information regarding Parent Payments, emphasising their importance in enriching our school’s programs and resources. Please review the overview poster and explainer video to better understand how these contributions are utilised and how you can make your payments.

We often ask a lot from our families, both financially and through volunteering, and I want you to know how essential your contributions are. They are the foundation that allows PMPS to offer exceptional educational experiences. Thanks to our deep, two-way partnership with families, our school is not only unique in the opportunities it provides but also in fostering an active, connected community that nurtures our children. Your dedication and support make PMPS a special place for learning and growth. Thank you for everything you do.


Feedback on reports and policies

As we refine some of our school policies and practices, we are actively incorporating parent perspectives into our continuous improvement efforts. This includes initiatives such as the recent parent survey on School Reports and the updated processes for our School Policies Sub-Committee, which are detailed elsewhere in this newsletter. Your feedback is invaluable, and we will keep you informed about how we are responding to it as these processes evolve.


Finally, watch a short video message from Hon. Ben Carroll MP, Deputy Premier and Minister for Education. He talks about the importance of Term 2 for learning and includes some helpful reminders.


Thank you for your continued engagement and support.