Reports & policies

Student report survey

We are reviewing and improving our current reporting processes at Port Melbourne Primary School for the 2025 school year. We would value your feedback on what is working well and what you might like to see revised. 


Take the survey

We invite you to complete a short survey to provide us with important feedback about your experience with our current reporting model. We appreciate your time and honesty. The survey is anonymous and should take around 2 minutes to complete.


Parent Forum

If you are interested in finding out more and being involved in the review of our reporting model, please keep an eye out for information about an upcoming parent forum where we will further discuss parents’ perspectives on school reports. We will provide more information on this process later this year.

Policy review

At PMPS we are committed to ensuring that our policies reflect the evolving needs and values of our community. As we do every year we will complete a comprehensive review of several key policies across the year.


Your input and perspectives are welcomed in this process. Although we often have limited flexibility in altering policies set out by the Department of Education (DE), we always strive to accommodate community feedback where possible.


We welcome your input in this process to ensure that our policies align with our shared values and aspirations.


Ways you can participate

Surveys: Look out for an email containing a link to policy review surveys. Take a few moments to share your thoughts and suggestions.

Focus groups: Join one of our focus group sessions where we'll delve deeper into specific policy areas.

Written information: Provide written feedback.


How we’ll use your input

Policy committee: Following the survey, focus group discussions, and consideration of written feedback the School Policy Committee (a sub-committee of school council) will identify the major themes of community sentiment and incorporate these into revised policy documents where possible. This committee will liaise with DE representatives to ensure any revised policy documents remain compliant with our legal and policy obligations.


School Council approval: the updated policy will be presented to the School Council for final approval.


The first 3 policies are up for review are:

  • Child Safety Code of Conduct
  • Child Safety Policy
  • Child Safety Responding and Reporting obligations Policy and procedures.