
School Vision

 We are a school where students, teachers and parents work together to support all students in building the knowledge and skills needed to achieve personal success and reach their academic and social potential.

School Mission

In our school we intend to Create a challenging learning environment that encourages high expectations for success through appropriate instruction. Promote safe, supportive, caring and stimulating environment. Each student’s self esteem is fostered through positive relationships with students and staff. We strive to have our parents, teachers and community members actively involved in our students’ learning.

Follow us on Facebook (Swan Hill North Primary School) and Instagram @swanhillnorthps

Need your contact details updated: Please phone the office (03) 5032 4577 or email swanhill.north.ps@education.vic.gov.au


School Bank Details 

Account Name: Swan Hill North Primary School

BSB: 063529      Account Number: 10043535

Commonwealth Bank

Issue 7 · 28 Jun 2024

In this issue

Mrs Bianca Brown Reports, 2025 Enrolments, School Council , Term 3 Curriculum Day, Term 3 Parent Teacher Interviews 
Page 2 Week Eleven, Attendance Awards  , Token Winners  
What's been happening in Auslan this Semester...                       A                                     B                                    C  ,               D                                           E                                        F,                        G                                   H                                   I,                      J                                     K                                      L,                      M                                       N                                    O,                       P                                      Q                                      R,                      S                                       T                                       U,                      V                                       W                                       X,                    Y                                          Z                            Good Job!                   
Page 4 Winter Sports
Change through Australian History
Page 6 Week 11, Week 10
Page 7 Upcoming Events
Page 8