Learning & Teaching

Josy Reeder 


MACS Intensive Literacy Support at OLA

We have had our second planning day with Olivia Quinlan from Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholics Schools, and are excited to be on this Literacy journey. We worked in levels reflecting our current practices and brainstormed ways we can lift the profile of Literacy in our school. We also used the Victorian Curriculum and Progressions of Learning to further improve our planning of engaging Literacy sessions. Throughout all our learning we are wanting children to develop strategies to help children feel happy, safe, valued and extended at school. Other focus areas have included:


Learning to read is one of the most important skills your child will learn. ABC Reading Eggs helps us support children’s reading journey from the very beginning, and grows with them at their own pace. And the best part is that children love it. The program makes learning to read fun and highly motivating for children aged 2 to 13 years – nurturing a lifelong love of reading. We at OLA have a subscription for each child and this program compliments the English Victorian curriculum. 


Imagine the best stories being read aloud to you by our favourite storytellers – well that's Story Box Library! We get kids excited about reading!



Email: olacheltenham

Password: stories301


Excellence at OLA

We celebrate achievements at OLA every day in the classroom. Outstanding achievement is celebrated at every assembly in the front of the school. Congratulations to all the students who received an award last week. 


Josy Reeder

Learning and Teaching Leader