Education in Faith
Caitlan Taig
Education in Faith
Caitlan Taig
Congratulations to our Grade 3 students who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time last week. What a prayerful, reverent experience to share with peers, families and teachers.
Thank you to our families and teachers for all you did to help prepare the children for this special occasion.
The season of Lent began on Ash Wednesday 22 February. This also marks the beginning of the annual Caritas Australia Project Compassion Appeal. All donations to Project Compassion allows Caritas Australia to work with communities around the world to end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.
The theme of Project Compassion for 2023 is ‘For all future generations’ and reminds us that the good we do today will extend and affect generations to come. It encourages us to make the world a better place by working together now and finding long term solutions to global issues.
The Grade 6 Social Justice Leaders and Community Leaders have taken the lead in promoting this within our school, and we thank them for their work so far.
You can donate via the donation boxes that have been placed in each classroom, or online via the Caritas Australia website.
Holy Week begins this Sunday 2 April. This week includes Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. It marks a special time in our church leading up to the resurrection of Jesus.
Palm Sunday
On this day, we recount the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on a donkey. Many people placed palms and cloaks on the ground to pave his way. Palm Sunday has a bitter-sweet tone. On the one hand the story is upbeat with the crowd joyfully proclaiming Christ as the long promised Messiah, yet by the end of the week, Jesus is crucified.
Holy Thursday
On this day, we recount how Jesus washed the feet of the disciples before the Last Supper. At the Last Supper, Jesus shared bread and wine with his disciples, asking them to think of Him. He knew he was about to be betrayed and condemned to death.
Good Friday
Good Friday marks the day God’s Son, Jesus, was crucified. It was on this day that Jesus was beaten and tortured because he claimed to be the son of God. A crown of thorns was thrust upon his head. Then, he was forced to carry his own cross to the on top of a hill, where he was nailed to the cross.
Holy Saturday
This is the day in between Good Friday and Easter. This day marks Jesus body being placed in the tomb.
Easter Sunday
This day is all about the resurrection of Jesus. We celebrate Easter to remember the great sacrifice that Jesus made for us in order to save us. Easter Sunday helps us to remember that Jesus came back from the dead. Although he is not physically among us, He is still present in our hearts. It is because Jesus rose from the dead on a Sunday that Christians call Sunday, “The Day of the Lord” and is the day of the week dedicated to worship.
Caitlan Taig
RE Leader