Principal's Message

Richard Jacques

Dear OLA Families

Who would have thought that the end of term is almost here already. A huge 11 weeks! The new Preps have settled in beautifully and are looking like they have been at school for years. 


We hope Mrs O'Gorman, Mrs Talbot, Mrs Elliott, Mrs Yang and our new families are feeling welcomed and part of our great community.


Highlights for this term include: Preps first day of school, being able to use our new Library and STEM Room, start of school year Mass, Prep and Grade 6 Buddies, Bike Ed, Parent Information Night with the principal and classroom teachers, School Tours, children skipping into and out of school each day, new friendships being formed, Cross Country in house team colours and all house teams cheering for one another, Reconciliation, hearing stories about our community from past students, parents, teachers and parishioners of OLA, singing and music lessons as part of our new specialist Performing Arts class, OLA Swim Squad, Ride2School Day, Parent/Teacher Meetings, the Working Bee and of course the excitement surrounding the drawing of the Easter Egg raffle at the end of next week. Thank you all for helping to create such special memories.

Harmony Day

Harmony Day celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. It is about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. It is a day for all Australians to embrace cultural diversity and to share what we have in common. The central message for Harmony Day is that ‘everyone belongs’, reinforcing the importance of inclusiveness to all Australians. This term Prep to Grade Six have been exploring what it means to belong at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Primary School, and how we can ensure that everyone feels included and safe at school. We honoured this day on Tuesday 21 March by wearing a touch of orange with our usual school uniform, with things like orange ribbons, orange t-shirts or orange socks...!


On Wednesday 22 March our Grade 3 students received the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It was a very special evening and one that we hope the children and their families remember forever. This Sacrament of forgiveness provides each and everyone of us with the opportunity to acknowledge what we have done wrong and to move forward in the confidence of God’s love and compassion. We were all called to be people of peace. Thank you to Caitlan Taig, Shelby Turner, Tess Riley, Lara Berley and Colleen Gleeson for leading our students in this next step on their faith journey and thank you to Fr Alan for spending this time with us all and helping to make the celebrations extra special. 

Working Bee

We are so grateful to our many families who volunteered for our first Working Bee of the year.  The turn out was the best yet, the atmosphere inclusive and warm and the jobs completed many! The school buildings and grounds looked and continue to look amazing with so much pride taken in taking care of them and making them safe and tidy.

Professional Learning

At OLA this term we have focussed on improving our teaching practice through evidence based research. Staff have especially appreciated the intensive support program being offered through MACS Southern Region Office Literacy Team with a particular emphasis on reading. Throughout all our learning we are wanting children to develop strategies to help children  feel happy, safe, valued and extended at school. Other focus areas have included:

  • Using data to inform targeted and differentiated teaching
  • Positive Behaviour Support with Patrice Wiseman
  • Little Learners Love Literacy - Synthetic Phonics Approach
  • Early Number and Algebra with Jo Pringle & MACS

The staff have also appreciated a day to plan in collaborative teams/year levels for exciting learning in Term 2 with the theme being Sustainability and Science.


Guided Learning Walk for Parents

On Thursday 11 May at 8.40-10.00am we will be hosting our first Learning Walk for our parents at OLA. We will visit a Junior, Middle and Senior class (3 classes in all) with each of the classes focussing on Mathematics.  Our Principal, Mathematics Leader and Learning & Teaching Leader will be joined by Family Partnerships Consultant Tony Dalton. For this first walk we will have a maximum of ten parents join us, so if you are interested please RSVP via email to If we hit our maximum number of parents attending we will ensure you are invited on the next learning walk that we do.


ECSI Survey closing at the end of next week...

We invite you to participate in the ECSI Survey which will assist us in better understanding how our Catholic identity is expressed in work and practice here at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Primary School. 


We have had 9 out of 187 families complete the survey and would love some more input. As a school, we have organised a lucky draw for families who complete the survey. After the survey is complete, please email a screenshot of your acknowledgement of completion to to go into a draw to win a $50 book voucher. You do not need to send your results and your responses will remain anonymous.


The survey period will close at the end of Term 1. The winner of the lucky draw will be notified in the first week back of Term 2, on Friday 28 April.

Do we have any 5 or 6 year old sisters or brothers keen and ready to start school next year??

Please submit your Enrolment Application Forms before the Easter School Holidays. We can't wait to welcome the siblings of our OLA students next year.

School Tours for Enrolments 2024

This Sunday 2 April at 10am we have around 15families signed up to tour our great school. Thank you to our School Leadership Team and School Captains for leading these tours.


Our families are our greatest advocates, so please keep spreading the good word about our amazing school to your friends and family. If you have a child or you know someone wanting to tour schools for their child, please encourage them to book a school tour online on the school website or call Sharan in our front office to register.  If you are not able to make these tours please note that you are also welcome to call to make a time that does work for you. With enrolments for Prep 2024 now open, we encourage all families to submit their applications as soon as possible. 



We look forward to celebrating the official opening of our newly renovated buildings and grounds on Friday 19 May at 10am with Mass, followed by the official cutting of the ribbon, blessing and Morning Tea. Please save the date and join us for this special occasion. 


This term we have been learning about 'Community' as part of our Inquiry learning.  It was very special to have past teacher of OLA Sr Margaret, previously known as Sr Anselm back with us speaking to our Grade 1/2 students about similarities and differences between OLA 70 years ago and today.


Please open the ‘Key Dates and Events’ tab in this newsletter for important dates or access the OLA Calendar here.


Change of dates: 

  • Please note that the Parent/Teacher Meetings will take place on Tuesday 20 and Thursday 22 June and not Wednesday 21 June as published in the School Calendar. 
  • Please also note the end of school year for all children will be Friday 15 December and Thursday 14 December for all Grade 6 students. This may change based on announcements from Melbourne Archdiocese of Schools in relation to IEU and the EBA that is expected to be voted on before the end of Term 3.


Key dates for the next 2 weeks...

Week 11
Monday 3 April               Prep - Grade 4 Swim Program 
Tuesday 4 April               Prep - Grade 4 Swim Program
Wednesday 5 April        Prep - Grade 4 Swim Program
                                            9.15am - 5/6GO Class Participation in Mass
Thursday 6 April             Prep - Grade 4 Swim Program
                                            ECSI Surveys Closed - Love some more families to participate
                                            End of Term 1 - Closure time 3.15pm      
Term 2 - Week 1
Monday 24 April               Staff Professional Learning Day - Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 25 April               ANZAC DAY Public Holiday
Wednesday 26 April         Start of Term 2 for students
                                                Wellbeing Parent Support Group Meetings
                                                10.45am Anzac Prayer Service & 3.00pm Easter Alleluia Service
Friday 28 April                    Wellbeing Parent Support Group Meetings
                                                9.15am OLA School Tour    
                                                2.30pm Whole School Assembly


Lightning Premiership

Today our Grade 5/6s participated in the end of term and end of Summer Inter School Sport Lightning Premiership.  It was a full day of competition and sportsmanship with teams from all around our area playing Tennis, Volleyball, T-Ball and Cricket.  We were proud of the positive school spirit, good sportsmanship and respect for the umpires that our OLA senior students showed especially today.

Well Wishes

Mrs Milinski

While supporting Kirsten Milinski with her illness and her strong desire to return to work, she has informed us that her specialist has advised that she will need to continue cancer treatment and recovery throughout Term 2. We will continue to keep you updated as information comes to hand. On behalf of the school and Kirsten, I would like to thank you for your understanding and support. We are delighted to inform you all that Grade 1/2KM will continue to be taught by Yueni Yang in Term 2. Please keep Kirsten and her family in your thoughts and prayers.


Evacuation Drill Success

Thank you to all our students and staff for working together to move safely and quickly into safety line order and outside to the Evacuation Assembly Area on the oval.  This drill was calmly carried out by the Chief Warden and fellow wardens with learnings shared on how we can improve and be even better at this procedure next time.


Noah C 

Noah in Grade 4 has been training in Judo for 3 years, four times a week. Last Sunday Noah participated in the Senshi Judo Interclub Competition and took out the gold medal. Several clubs from Victoria participated in this event, Noah competed in four fights for Under 12 Junior Boys, and he won each of them. Noah should be very proud of the way he respects and cares about his opponents, during and after fights - this is the true spirit of Judo.


Bella F

Bella graduated from Shine Academy for Girls this term with a Junior Bachelor of Leadership certificate. We are so proud!

Tommy A

Congratulations to Tommy A in Grade 1 who turned up to the Working Bee last Saturday with his medal for Little Athletics around his neck.  He finished the season with 3 personal bests in running, long jump and shot put.



5/6NC Participation in Mass

We are proud of our Grade 5/6 students deepening their faith and partnership with our Parish. This week they attended Mass with members of their family and parishioners then shared in morning tea. We look forward to 5/6GO participating in Mass on Wednesday 5 April. 


Principal's Award

This week I was told of a beautiful Prep and Grade 6 Buddy story. We have the lovely Landgraf family taking up an exciting opportunity around the Geelong area next month. So while we are sad to see them depart our community it has been great to hear their positve reflections of their time with us. Harvey has loved his buddy Daniel so much that he wants to make sure that he can stay friends with his buddy forever so he wants his phone number and address so he can keep sending letters and stay in touch. From Harvey's first day at OLA Daniel has taken the time to be welcoming and time to play with him.  He has also shown him how to play basketball.  Thank you Harvey and thank you Daniel for being such great buddies.

Term 2 Starting Date

A reminder that the first day of next term, Monday 24 April, will be a Pupil Free Day for staff professional learning - the focus of this day will be on Inquiry with Kate Korber from The Inquiry Project. The following day, Tuesday 25 April is a public holiday commemorating ANZAC Day, so the children begin Term 2 on Wednesday 26 April. 


May this Easter Season be a special time for you all. Take care, have fun and do be safe.


Richard Jacques
