Performing Arts

Laura Washington and Luke Devenish

Congratulations to Lucy, Saber & Ellen from the VCE Theatre Studies Class of 2021! 

In December, the school learnt that three of our talented students had been contacted about participation in Top Class, the VCAA series of Excellence, which showcases the best work in the state from the previous years performance examinations.  


Lucy Tomov auditioned in February and has been selected to present her Monologue ‘Emilia’ from the play of the same name, by Morgan Lloyd Malcom. The show is inspired by the life of the 17th century poet and feminist Emilia Bassano, as well as her speculated role as William Shakespeare's "Dark Lady." Lucy made bold decisions and undertook research into feminist history to propel her monologue through time – from Elizabethan to Suffragette England, through to the 1970s 2nd wave of feminism and finally celebrating the voices of women today in a powerful statement about female agency and the power of words. Lucy’s excellent skill in acting and her imaginative directorial vision will be showcased in her performance at the Melbourne Arts Centre on Tuesday 29th March. Congratulations Lucy! 

Lucy Tomov
Lucy Tomov

Ellen McNeil and Saber Tang were both selected for Top Designs and have the privilege of having their design work on exhibit at the Melbourne Museum from April til October.  


Ellen McNeil selected the tricky monologue of ‘Por Por’ from Ghost in my Suitcase by Vanessa Bates, adapted from Gabrielle Wang’s award-winning novel. Ellen chose to interpret the script through set design and costume. Ellen rose to the transformative challenges within the script excerpt, by designing and making set pieces that could open and close, a revelation of a ghost using simple but highly effective puppetry, and a costume that demonstrated rich dramaturgical research into the Chinese culture the play celebrates.  

Ellen McNeil
Ellen McNeil

Saber Tang designed for the character of ‘Iff’ from Salmon Rushdie’s Haroun and the Sea of Stories. He opted for a bold hair & make-up design to capture the water genie’s magical character. For his 2nd area of design, Saber chose to make an elaborate velvet costume with chiffon detailing and took the creative risk of including individually addressable LED lights hand sewn into the piece so the costume could light up at key dramatic moments. Such innovation has been applauded and as a result, Saber Tang has also participated in the filming of interviews about the creative process for the VCAA.  


In the light of the difficulties of 2021, these students have shown that focus, hard work, dedication and creative risk-taking can certainly pay off. Congratulations to these talented alumni. 

Saber Tang
Saber Tang


Top Class is part of the VCE Season of Excellence – a five-month festival of exhibitions, talks, film screenings and performances that celebrates the artistic talents of VCE and VET students. If you would like to see Lucy perform on Tuesday 29 March, you can purchase tickets here

Year 7 Drama

Year 7 students studying Drama in Term 1 have been developing their understanding of Mime and exploring performance skills. They have had fun watching excerpts of famous mime artists such as Charlie Chaplin, Marcel Marceau, Rowan Atkinson and E.T the mime.

Year 10 Theatre

Year 10 Theatre students have been focusing on Physical Comedy! 

Students are developing their understanding of Commedia dell'Arte and challenging themselves to perform with exaggeration and humour. 


They are looking forward to a professional Commedia workshop to hone their skills before presenting their performances later this term! 

Save the date: Year 10 Commedia dell'Arte, 7pm 29 March 2022



Production AUDITIONS for the (new!) MUSICAL of 2022 are coming up!  

Stay tuned to Compass for details on how to audition for the cast and band! There will also be information posted about how to get involved in the production through set, props and costume making, backstage and technical operations of lighting and sound. 

The VCE Production Process of ‘ THE VISIT’ has commenced!

The Unit 3 VCE Theatre Studies class of 2022 have launched into their planning as they work to interpret ‘The Visit’ by Frederich Durrenmatt. As a cohort, they are enthusiastically planning their work, reading the script, conducting dramaturgical research, generating design ideas and collaborating as actors, directors and designers. They are excited to get this on the rehearsal room floor soon.  


Save the date: VCE Production evenings are Friday 20th and 21st May 2022 and tickets will be made available via TryBooking closer to the time.