Teaching and Learning 

Amy Rashid - Assistant Principal 

2022 is a promising year for teaching and learning across the College, as we continue to work hard to ensure that we meet the needs of all our learners. From our Headstart program at the end of 2021, we focused on re-engaging students who found the remote learning experience challenging, while also extending those students who were able to adapt during lockdown.  Both students and teachers alike seem to be enjoying the routine, rigour and collaborative opportunities provided by being back in the classroom. 


Homework and Study

In support of returning to onsite learning, the 2022 Homework Policy is available and we encourage all families to access the policy.  Homework will be alerted via class lesson plans on Compass. Additionally, students can access the Study Centres at both campuses after school for support.

Sandringham College Homework Policy 

The purpose of this policy is to outline to all students, parents/carers and school staff Sandringham College’s expectations for homework and at-home learning including study. Those expectations are that students further develop and consolidate their independent learning skills by completing homework tasks. 



Homework includes completing activities provided by a teacher, activities not completed in class or aspects of assessment tasks that can be completed at home.

Homework benefits students by: complementing, consolidating, and extending classroom learning; fostering good study habits; and providing an opportunity for students to be responsible for their own learning. The intention of setting homework is to:

  • support and extend classroom learning
  • develop a responsibility for self-learning
  • develop organisation and planning skills
  • support the links between home and school



Studying refers to time spent reading, processing, or practising content, knowledge or skills to consolidate learning either to review what's already been covered, or to prepare for future classes. Sandringham College has a strong focus on study as the core aspect of homework. 



A regular amount of homework with a strong emphasis on study, will be set relative to each year level. 

Work that is set to be completed at home must be achievable, in that:

  • Students must be able to complete it independently, without assistance from parents
  • Teachers should give students reasonable time to complete the task at home 
  • Teachers will show understanding that students have sporting, social and family commitments outside of school that are important in healthy lifestyles, and this must be considered when setting deadlines and considering complexity of the task. 
  • Consideration should also be given to the fact that students may be assigned work across all their subjects
  • Any homework or study activities should be transparent and clearly articulated on Compass Lesson Plan so that parents can see what is required and when it is due


Teachers should encourage the use of Study Centre at both campuses, where tutors and teachers are available to provide support across subject areas twice a week.


Homework and study tasks should be checked by teachers and appropriate feedback given.


Teachers at Sandringham College are encouraged to exercise their discretion in assigning tasks that are appropriate for their students.




Across the College students should aim to complete regular independent study relative to their year level and capabilities. Study demand will increase in conjunction with the complexity of skills as they progress through Year 7 to 12. 

Students are encouraged to utilise the support provided at the Study Centre at both campuses, where tutors and teachers are available to provide support across subject areas.

Homework and study (S) can include:

  • Completing classwork
  • Reading for pleasure (20-30mins independent reading each night)
  • Writing and revising essays and other creative tasks 
  • Revising/preparing for assessment tasks (S)
  • Researching and collecting material
  • Completion of elements of class projects
  • Making notes or completing ‘graphic organisers’ related to things learnt in class in order to retain or extend knowledge (S)
  • Practising skills at home for practical classes such as dance, music, drama and physical education (S)
  • Pre-reading textbooks or class handouts in preparation for forthcoming learning (S)
  • Watching relevant videos, listening to podcasts related to classwork (S)

For each year level the approximate recommendations on time spent on homework tasks per week. Work may be set during weekends and school vacations.

 Per weekPer Day
Year7Up to 4 hours30-40min per night and up to 1 hour on weekends
Year8Up to 4 hours 30-40min per night and up to 1 hour on weekends
Year9Up to 6 hours 1 hour per night x 6 days
Year10Up to 8 hours1 hour per night x 6 days (additional time required in the lead up to assessments)
Year11Up to 10 hours 1-2 hours x 6 days per week (additional time required in the lead up to assessments)
Year12Up to 12 hours2 hours x 6 days per week including school based study periods (additional time required in the lead up to assessments)


Years 7 to 9

Parents should encourage and support students to complete homework/study by providing a suitable environment that is free of distractions. It is also advised to monitor use of devices.


Years 10 to 12

Generally, students can expect homework/study tasks in these year levels to increase in keeping with the expected level of independence and initiative of students. 


At Years 11 and Year 12, students are expected to spend an increased amount of time completing homework tasks in VCE and participating in projects as relevant to their course. Studying increases at Years 11 and 12 with students undertaking more revision and practice.

Students can expect to spend between 1 to 3 hours of homework per weeknight, and further study on weekends during assessment periods. 

VCAL homework is determined on a ‘needs basis’, as many VCAL outcomes depend on student-led industry and community partnerships requiring ongoing project management. As a result, each student will have varying homework demands at different times of the year. These demands will also depend on whether tasks and outcomes are achieved during allocated class times or not. 



It is expected that parents/carers will support their children by:

  • developing a positive and productive approach to homework and study
  • ensuring there is a balance between the time spent on homework, study and recreational activities
  • ensuring students refer to Compass regularly to organise homework/study requirements 


Support for students, parents and carers

Teachers at Sandringham College understand that students have different learning styles and interests and may approach learning activities, homework and study differently. If you are concerned that your child may not understand the homework tasks or is struggling to engage with study or is spending a long period of time completing their homework, we encourage you to speak to the relevant Year Level Leader. 

Students who may benefit from support completing their homework/study tasks are encouraged to attend Study Centre in the school library at each campus.