Facilities News 


Dr Denise Clarke 

Facilities Manager 

Dr Denise Clarke
Dr Denise Clarke











Storm water

The edges of the oval and the area outside the therapy area are good catchment areas for storm water, however there is nowhere for the water to go. Consequently we have some very wet areas after heavy rain. 


Outside Therapy area
Outside Therapy area


Some plumbers visited the playgrounds to provide a quote on installing additional drainage. 


The Building & Grounds Committee will examine the quotes at their next meeting.  We may have to wait until the term 4 holidays to complete the work as they are big jobs.


The staff room is looking great with the new flooring - no tripping hazards now - the hole in the ceiling repaired and staff room re-painted. It will be a welcome back present for all the staff in Term 4. 


Additional Outdoor Seating

When school resumes on-site we will be encouraging staff to take small groups of students outside. We hope that will increase the social distancing between students and provide more fresh air.  So students can continue lessons more easily, we have ordered seven outdoor tables with seating from a local manufacturer.  The factory is still in lock-down, but when it resumes the tables will be made and delivered. 


New Building

Hopefully during the holidays  the last of the outstanding unfinished items will be completed. The lock down has affected the builders capacity to complete simple tasks that are not of an urgent nature.


Return of School Technology Equipment. 

Parents who have borrowed equipment for their children during the lock-down will be contacted about returning the devices in week 1 of term 4. Our procedure is for parents to deliver the equipment to the school and make sure the return is signed off. We will negotiate a drop-off time and date for Wednesday and Thursday of the 2nd week of term