Education News 

Friday End of Term Assembly

A reminder that assembly will be held on Friday at 9.15am. Please join us whilst we thank  and acknowledge our outgoing fundraising team and enjoy a musical performance from Room 3.

Room 3 have been learning ways to cheer ourselves, and other people up!

One way that we can cheer up is by singing. We have learnt the song 'Lovely Day' by Bill Withers. It is all about asking for help and finding solutions.

School Photo Day 2020 

Annual school photos will be taken on 22 July, 2020 when sibling photos will also be taken by request.

IMPORTANT - To ensure a sibling photo is taken on photo day, please complete your request online before midday on the day before photo day.

  1. Grab your phone and go to
  2. Enter the name and class of the eldest child to be in the photo
  3. Enter the names of all other children to be included in the photo

There is no need to return any forms or payment to school for photos before photo day however if you do not have internet access you may contact the school for an order form. 

School photo ordering details will be issued closer to photo day.