Principal's report

Dear Parents, Carers, Students and Community members,

Welcome to the new school year.  It was wonderful to welcome back our enthusiastic students and to witness our new Foundation students and parents/carers start with confidence.  We offered Tea and Tears in the staffroom with some parents/carers taking this invitation to meet others, chat, and have a ‘cuppa’ without the tears!

Getting to know you interviews 

This year we are offering 'Getting to Know You' interviews for parents who wish to speak directly with their teacher. These will be held next week - Week 3.  Interview times can be negotiated directly with your teacher by completing the attached form.

MPWPS Basket Tea

Traditionally as part of the new school year a Basket Tea is held on our synthigrass (oval) area.  The date for this is FRIDAY Feb 22nd from 5 pm.   Get the picnic rug and chairs out and come along. A great time to meet other families and have the children play together in our grounds.  There will be some entertainment for your enjoyment.

Child Safe Requirements

MPWPS is Child Safe compliant and part of these requirements necessitates some changes to existing processes.  If you are collecting your child EARLY or bringing something to your child during school times you will be required to come to the General Office ONLY.  No longer will you be able to wonder into the schoolyard during class or break times.

If you are collecting a child early from school there is a process I have included with this newsletter.  Generally, if you let the teacher or the General Office know in advance (the day of the early pickup) then the child will be at the General Office waiting for you.  If you are not the parent/carer collecting the child you will need to be on the enrolment form as a listed person with permission to collect the child. These procedures may seem restrictive however they are in place to keep all students safe.   I am asking for your assistance in making these requirements work for all.

Your financial Contributions for 2019

In Term 4 2018 we circulated the list of Voluntary Contributions requested for the 2019.  We are now collecting these either online through Bpay (our preferred option) or over the counter at the General Office.  MPWPS can only offer the richness of curriculum with your financial assistance.   Of course all financial hardship is dealt with in confidence. Please speak with our Business Manager Sandra Monaghan if you need assistance.

Camp Information Evenings  

This year we are introducing Camp Information Evenings to familiarise parents/carers with the particular year level camps offered across the year.  The first of these is on Wednesday February 20th and will be about the year 3/4 camp and the second is on Wednesday February 27th detailing information about the 5/6 camp.  These sessions will be for an hour 7-8 pm and important camp documents will be distributed. Please check your Parent/Carer Calendar to confirm the dates.

Curriculum Days for 2019

 At the December School Council meeting, the dates for Curriculum days were accepted. 

The dates are as follows:

Tuesday January 29th - Curriculum day  (No students on this day )

Friday March 8th - Curriculum day  (No students on this day )      -       Literacy focus

Thursday July 25th - Curriculum Day (No students on this day) - Numeracy focus

Monday November 4th - Curriculum Day (No Students on this day)

Thursday 19th December - A normal school day with normal dismissal   time 3.30 pm

Friday 20th December – No students on this day (half day-in Lieu as per the Agreement for Teachers).  Teachers are eligible for time in lieu with this time to be granted when there is least disruption to curriculum delivery.

General reminders

  • Lunch Orders have commenced.  There is a menu on COMPASS  under forms and on the website.  Lunch orders are taken in the classroom and delivered by monitors to the Office.  Collection is arranged at lunchtime.
  • Snacks: If your child is having a lunch order they will need a snack for the first break.  Something substantial ( I recommend sandwich and piece of fruit)
  • Drop Off and Pick Up zones at front and back of school:  Please remember that you are to keep moving and not wait for your child in these zones. Enter the areas when your child is visible to you.  This stops ‘banking –up’ especially in Eglinton St.
  • The Blue Home reading Satchel:   This is for your child’s Home reading book and important notices.  For our new Foundation students the teacher will have a place for these to be placed each day.  Children are best at knowing where this is and unpacking their bags each day.  Home reading is reading practice, as we believe children are readers and writers from their first day of school!
  • The first bell goes at 8.45: It is important the children are here at this time so they can be organised for the day.  A late pass will be required after 9.05 and children must come into school through the General Office after this time.

Well that is about it from me.  Until we meet in person.  Have a great week of learning together and meeting each other in our school.


Kerri Simpson

Principal (Acting)