
Child Safety at Clyde Primary School

Clyde Primary School is a child safe school. This means that we are committed to the safety and wellbeing of all of our students. All schools in Victoria are required to comply with Department of Education Child Safe Standards. These standards aim to protect children from all forms of abuse. 


The child safe standard outline to a school the requirements that need to be in place for child safety. They include:

*Implementing a Child Safe Policy and Child Safe Code of Conduct (located on our website under policies)

*Ensuring staff are completing their mandatory reporting professional learning annually.

*Ensuring staff are reporting suspected abuse to the appropriate departments.

*Ensuring all adults working with children in the school have a current working with children check or are a member of the Victorian Institute of Teaching.

*Ensuring parent helpers attend a Parent Helpers Course before working with students

*Ensuring there is an induction process for new staff members

*Ensuring that child safe is regularly spoken about through meetings, newsletter and briefings.

*Recognising the diverse needs of individual and groups of students.

*Regularly discussing feelings, being safe and protective behaviours with students.


If you have a concern regarding the safety of a child you can discuss this with your child’s classroom teacher or phone the school to set a meeting with Hayley Taylor, Child Safe Leader and Wellbeing Leader.