Physical Education

Kahoot! Winners

Winners of the Kahoot!s for the  

·         AFL football

·         Sports Equipment

·         Tokyo Olympics

·         Paralympics 1

·         Paralympics 2


Congratulations to Seniors Tyler, Maverick and Max!  

Hunter, Blair & Chloe were Upper Junior winners!  

Juliette is the Lower Junior winner!

All students have won a $20 Rebel Sport gift voucher.


There are more prizes to be won in 

your Classroom & for AFL Day!


Google Classroom

Keep your fitness up, and keep challenging yourselves. Go for a bike ride or play some footy.  Look in your PE classroom for fun ideas or design your own circuit.  Try the 20 moves in 20 minutes or the yoga or do some Just Dance. 

My daughter's school does "practical life" every afternoon where they can bake a cake, sweep the porch, or do any other small job to help the family... you could help out a grown up by washing their car or taking their dog for a walk.


Have a great week everyone!


Carolyn McNeil

PE Teacher