Excellence in Teaching and Learning 

Emmaleen Oakley

Assistant Principal

Emmaleen Oakley
Emmaleen Oakley











VCAL Oral Presentations

On Monday 23rd November, the Principal Class Team were invited to watch all of the VCAL students give their oral presentations as part of their Literacy competency. Early in term four the students prepared a car wash and the presentation was information about the process, profit & costs and what they learned. It was such a pleasure to be in the classroom with students who had taken the time to prepare well thought out presentations, including promotional videos, and to see that they had rehearsed their oral presentation skills. Will and Carmel's classes visited the VCAL presentations and they were a fantastic attentive audience. Special mention to Ryan Basham for his impeccable comedic timing and Abubakar for his fearless stage presence. Well done to all involved!

Student Academic Reports


Student reports will be emailed home today, Friday 27th November. Due to remote and flexible learning, teachers are not required to report on the 5 point scale as they have done in previous years. As with semester one, you will expect a comment about how your child has demonstrated their learning, along with some comments about their engagement during remote and flexible learning and how they have adjusted to being back on site. 

Each student had goals that they were working towards in each of the curriculum areas. Science will be reported on twice during this reporting cycle. Once by the classroom teacher through the inquiry unit and once through the STEAM unit which was Chemistry based during Term 4. If there are any issues with your emailed copy can you please contact the school reception (03) 9309-6258 on Monday 30th November and we will rectify this for you. 


SSGs and Student Transition Reports


Over the next three weeks there will be SSGs. Classroom teachers will also be taking the time to write or add to the transition profiles for each student as part of the handover process to the new classroom teacher. If there is anything you would like your classroom teacher to mention in the transition report, can you please mention this to the teacher during the SSG. End of year is an important time for communication so we can ensure that transition week and orientation into the new classroom with the new teacher can be as smooth and settled as possible.