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The CITY LLEN Newsletter
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The CITY LLEN Newsletter
Issue 15
18 Jul 2019
In this issue
CEO'S Report
City LLEN News
Novotel Student Visit, Visit to the Metro Tunnel Project, Careers Counselling Sessions for students from the Royal Children’s Hospital, Synergy, River Nile Wellbeing Expo
Youth & Education News
River Nile School Open Day , Classroom resources to engage students with the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages, Find my school, Join Employment Empowers Program, Reducing Racism - Project Showcase, Scholarships and incentives for early childhood professionals, Little Yarns for Little People, Home Away from Homework Club , CREATE Foundation’s 2019 Conference, Girl Geek Academy, Victorian STEM map, Shout out to the youth sector - the Victorian Parliament invites responses to the Inquiry into sustainable employment for disadvantaged jobseekers, Annual Youth Survey, NCVER Research: Five main pathways in the transition from school to work , AMES Australia - Be Money Smart , Do you have a student who is ready to leave school?, Youth Employment: Prepared for work?, Young people who are looking to improve their English
Read This
Parents say their children have tutors to fill gaps, not to charge ahead, How to have your voice heard on mental health, Too young for Facebook, old enough for prison?, Here’s what teachers look for when kids start school, Early days, but we’ve found a way to lift the IQ and resilience of Australia’s most vulnerable children, Improving educational connection for young people in custody, We’re entering the fourth industrial revolution, which isn’t a bad thing. But it does mean we need to take action. from shutterstock.com, Jobs are changing, and fast. Here’s what the VET sector (and employers) need to do to keep up, Bedtimes for students at Warialda Public School have become a star-studded event., Nearly 30% of kids experience sibling bullying – as either bully or victim, More students are going to university than before, but those at risk of dropping out need more help, 3 out of 4 kids with mental health disorders aren’t accessing care, What’s the point of education? It’s no longer just about getting a job, Entrepreneurs push for schools to provide better job-skills preparation, Deadly Science founder, Corey Tutt, Most people think chess improves learning, Freedom of speech: a history from the forbidden fruit to Facebook, Banning mobile phones in schools: beneficial or risky? Here’s what the evidence says, Group punishment doesn’t fix behaviour - it just makes kids hate school, 'Yet to be proven or disproven': Jury still out on innovative school design, Women in STEM ambassador Lisa Harvey-Smith urges our young women into the field with her inspiring new project, Positive psychology in schools is exploring how best to apply the science of wellbeing in key learning environments - helping students develop skills for life, Helping impatient students stay in school, Government-funded students and courses 2018 - NCVER Statisitcal Report
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Capital City Local Learning and Employment Network
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CEO'S Report
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