Principal's Address

Welcome back

It has been a typically busy start to the term, however, it is always easier to manage because the sun has been shinning and the temperatures have been warming up.


No Hat No Play

A reminder that in Term 4, Boorowa Central School has a ‘No Hat, No Play’ policy for all students K-12. For students in K-6, this means all students are expected to wear the school bucket hat in the playground. For students in Years 7-12, it is a hat of choice that must be worn when in the sun during breaks, sport, and practical PE lessons.


Touch/Netball Carnival

It was with great regret that the decision was made to cancel the 2022 Boorowa Touch Football / Netball carnival. 

Event organisers met at the Boorowa Showground on Tuesday 11 October to ascertain the condition of the ground and the viability of the upcoming carnival. Unfortunately, due to the consistent rainfall in recent weeks and forecast for the rest of this week, the decision was made to cancel. With many of the playing surfaces either under water, boggy and swamp-like, the level of risk of injury was simply too great to ignore. This decision to cancel was communicated to all involved as quickly as possible to ensure alternate preparations could be made.

The last Boorowa Touch Football / Netball carnival was in 2019, prior to COVID. This carnival included more than 248 touch football teams and 183 netball teams from primary schools in NSW and the ACT. Including staff and family members spectating, the total number of visitors on the day was between 6000-8000 people. As you could imagine, the sheer volume of participants required over 27 touch fields and 26 netball courts operating simultaneously with new games starting every 20 minutes between 9am and 3pm. This level of participation takes months of preparation and organisation by the event organisers and many others as well who contribute to the successful running of a carnival of this magnitude. 

We hope to host the carnival again in October 2023.


Kindergarten Orientation

Thank you to our parents who attended the Kindy Orientation last Friday. It was great to meet with you all again and it was a pleasure to play with your children and to see their happy faces.

Our first Kindy Start ½ day is on Friday 4 November 2022. If you have any questions regarding Kindy Start or about a Kindergarten enrolment for 2023, please contact Ms Mem Brougham at the school on p: 6385 3009.


Year 11 into 12

Year 11 finished at the end of last term and now these same students start the Year 12 curriculum. For these students, this marks the beginning of the last year of schooling and only 12 months until they are sitting their Higher School Certificate examinations.

The students were provided their HSC Assessment Booklets today and a copy of the 2023 HSC Rules and Procedures. Both documents are vitally important to ensuring success for the students and include many important dates and procedures they need to be aware of. Please sit with your child, read these documents, and ensure you both have a good understanding so that procedures can be followed to best support your child in their HSC year.

Year 11/12 students will receive their Year 11 yearly reports next week. These reports are a summary of the progress they have made in each of their subjects for the past term and a half. Please read these reports carefully with your child and contact your child’s teacher if you have any further questions.


Parking reminder

Please ensure that when dropping-off and picking-up your children in Pudman Street that you use a marked parking area. I have observed many vehicles double parked for this purpose recently and it only takes one accident to cause a tragedy.

I am currently attempting to have a designated drop-off, pick-up area signed by the council to help alleviate this problem. Watch this space.


Mr Graham Jones I Principal