Education News 

School Photo Order before 11.59pm on 7/4/18

Assembly Performance

A performance at assembly this morning involved the following students from Room 10 and 14 - Room 10: Magnus, Brodie, Ava, Olivia, Jamie, Zoe, Ella, Lachlan, Aurelia, Charlotte, Zara and Room 14: Phoebe.

Please enjoy the video of the performance.

Hall Term 1

What a busy term it has been in Hall! We have been learning about how to work together in the space, learning lots of new names and faces and learning to share, negotiate, solve problems and play well together. We have thought about what makes hall great. Here are some things on the list:

  • Working together
  • When is Hall is ready for us (Clean and tidy)
  • Helping each other
  • When it’s safe, calm, happy, fun and inclusive
  • Being heard
  • When we hear laughing, chatting, thoughtful words

We practice these things every day in Hall.

We have learned about so many things already this year! Here are some examples:

  • Sharing, problem solving, negotiation
  • Friendship skills
  • Speaking (to small and large groups) and listening
  • Roles of people in our house (home corner)
  • Jobs/ activities we do as families - Cooking, shopping, making the beds, hanging the washing etc.
  • Money, buying and selling - shopping
  • Building, designing and creating in big building, small toys and construction
  • Costume design (construction)
  • Living and non- living things, plant growth, classification of creepy crawlies – arachnids and insects
  • Letter writing
  • How to be a postie
  • Being creative - 3D models, collage, self-portrait, paper plate animals etc.

Parents and carers, please help us to continue learning in Hall in the following ways:

  • Remember that Hall is a classroom space.
  • Enter the Hall building after the 8:45 bell with your children to start their day
  • Enter the building after the 3:30 bell to pick up your children, see teachers, and look at work displayed in the classroom. The last part of our session includes sharing what we have learned. This reinforces the learning as we practise speaking and listening skills. It is very difficult when there are distractions.
  • Ensure that kids do not play with the toys in Hall outside of their Hall session. This includes toddlers. Toys and equipment are being used before and after school and the Hall is left untidy. This means we need to tidy up before we can start our learning.
  • If you do need to be in the building during class time, please be quiet.

Thanks for your support and understanding,

From Mandy (Hall teacher) and P/1 team.

Thank you Jane

Dear Jane,

Thank-you for the term of Performing Arts.

It was one of my favourite specialists (if not my favourite). It was so fun and exciting. I have learnt loads about the Greek Theatre, and I will never forget it all.


I have learnt the 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 dance which I am absolutely sure I will not forget. Every time I do it I will think of Performing Arts and you. You are such a nice teacher: you encourage everyone to have a turn, you support everyone and give them ways to improve for next time, include everyone and think of GREAT ways to entertain us. I will miss you so much (feel free to visit!) - Selma Room 15

Rooms 11 and 12 on World War I

On Tuesday 27th March 2018, Lily (Archie's  sister) came in to speak with Rooms 11 and 12 on World War I.

These are some of the facts we learnt. The war started in 1914 and ended in 1918. 9 million people died. The war started because a Duke got killed and people got angry. So Germany, Austria-Hungary went to war against Britain, France and then later USA got involved because Germany sunk some of the USA ships. Australia joined in as well as we were part of the Allies. 8,110 Australians died because of the war. The war ended because Germany were getting destroyed and needed to stop losing soldiers. Germany is much smaller now after the war.        

By Khalid, Emma, Leila from Rooms 11 and 12

Reminder - Information Night 

To our families and friends of MPW,

You are invited to attend an Information night on Wednesday 2nd of May in the Performance space at 7.00pm through to 8.30pm.

We are very happy to announce that David Hornsby will be presenting and  speaking about the teaching of English and the importance of a balanced approach.


Some of the things he will talk about include:

  • What do we actually do when we’re reading?  How does the reading process work?
  • How can we help our children with reading at home?
  • Why is phonics always a ‘hot topic’?
  • What is phonics, and what place does it have in a literacy program?
  • How does our spelling system work?  (It’s not all about sound.)

This is David’s 51st year in education. He is passionate about teaching and learning and doesn’t want to retire!

David was with the Victorian Ministry of Education for 28 years and taught at every year level from Prep to Year 6. During that time, he also lectured at La Trobe University, the University of Melbourne and RMIT University. For 4 years, he was an Education Department consultant in both primary and secondary schools and then returned to the primary classroom. He was the principal of Ringwood Heights Primary School, a school he loved, for 5 years.

He is currently in demand as an education consultant in schools and in conference centres across Australia and in many parts of the world. He has completed many lecture tours of the USA and the UK, and has also worked with teachers in China, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malta, New Zealand and Singapore.

The drop off and pick up zone information from Moonee Valley City Council 

Walking or cycling to and from school information from Moonee Valley City Council

Congratulations to the Term 1 Chess Champions

Advanced Group:

1st Place - Orlando Perrilli: "Best & Fairest" player (Trophy)

2nd Place - Aiden Nuredini: "Silver Grasshopper" (Badge)

3rd Place - Lachlan Dyer: "Bronze Grasshopper" (Badge)


Beginner Group:

1st Place - Archie Toussaint: "Best & Fairest" player (Trophy)

2nd Place - Nia Thornton: "Silver Grasshopper" (Badge)

3rd Place - Ayan Arora: "Bronze Grasshopper" (Badge)