Sport News

FUN RUN - Sponsorship

We will be holding our 27th Annual Fun Run on Friday 22nd  June  (please note due to unforeseen circumstances we have had to change the date) from 9.30 to 10.30 am.  All the students & teachers will be involved and can run, jog, skip, hop, walk etc for one hour. As well as this being a healthy whole school activity, the students will be asked to collect sponsors to raise money. Students are encouraged to collect sponsors and the money raised will be spent as follows:

  • 50% kept by the school for the students to spend on classroom sports equipment & indoor games
  • 35% to a charity  - Make a Wish Foundation chosen by JSC
  • 15% to cover running cost

Please see attached Sponsor Form and Helper Information.

Please return to office with money donation by Friday 22nd June.

Thank you

Bree White

Sports Coordinator

Winter Sport

This term students in Gr 5/6 are competing in Football, Tee Ball and Netball competitions against schools in the Ascot Vale District.

We also continued our great skill development with the specialist Coaches from SEDA Basketball, who have been taking clinics at school as part of the Sport Education program.

Results from Round 5: