Principal's report

Dear Parents, Students, Carers and our  Community,

We had a wonderful WORKING BEE on Sunday with many many hands, making the tasks disappear!  We moved 10 cubic metres of mulch onto existing garden beds, weeded, pruned, swept and tamed the over growing ‘strappy’ plants (Dieties) that are popular around our school.  In Jack's Paddock, teams of parents and children with wheelbarrows and rakes moved 20 cubic metres of Tuscan Topping to redefine the pathways as per our Sensory Garden plan.  It looks wonderful!

We almost had an archaelogical dig with parents and children uncovering the ‘tactile path’ from a time gone bye.  I have since found out the Tactile Path was an art project with each class contributing to a section.  It was a wonderful re-discovery, and we were all very excited!


My grateful thanks to all parents, School Councillors, and children who gave up a precious Sunday morning to assist and to Jarrod Sutton who rescued me and cooked an exceptional BBQ.  I especially acknowledge and thank Adam Wilson (father of Sienna and Jackson) for his skilled work in the ‘scaping’ of this area, and the use of his equipment which enabled completion on the day. Thank-you also to partner Emily for covering Adam’s time away from the family.  Your direction Adam, enabled many!

We are awaiting six (6) wooden fruit boxes to settle into the area to develop as our ‘wicker beds’ which will be the return of the ‘veggie patch’ for growing some food and flowers.  Know how to set up a ‘wicker bed’?  Let us know we will need your expertise!

Finally I have uploaded some photos of the Working Bee in a ‘montage’ below.  

COVID-19 and Moonee Ponds West PS

It’s a crazy world at the moment. I think Australia’s first experience of such a situation since the WWII! How are you all managing?  From the school’s perspective we are endeavouring to adopt a ‘business as usual’ approach.  We have NO confirmed cases or casual contacts in our immediate community, all children seem well, and the staff team are supporting students, parents and each other in a calm and professional manner.  As the current leader of the school, I feel proud of the staff, and acknowledge their behaviours and management, at this difficult and unprecedented time.  Well done team!

As information is received, it is passed onto staff and families via COMPASS, so that all are informed. Whilst this information has been very frequent, it is my intention to pass all relevant details to you.  If families have the information then choices can be made, and we resist the temptation of our minds, to build information that may not be accurate.  Please use the COMPASS portal to keep in touch.  In the event of a closure, this will be the main communication strategy for school to parent, and Google Classroom will be the main learning communication for teachers to students.

Cancelled lessons

MVIMP, Soundgarage, Jayde’s Dancing Group and Chess lessons will be suspended for the next two weeks.  This decision is to be in recognition of the 1.5 metres social exclusion boundary. We apologise for any inconvenience.

School-Home Learning

Moonee Ponds West is well situated for School Home Learning to occur.  We already have some online learning tools (Mathletics, EPIC–reading material, Sunshine Online) and devices for student access. The staff will be meeting over the next nights to discuss the School-Home learning expectations so that we are ready to go if needed. 

Home responsibilities will be:

  • connectivity to the internet through technology,
  • ensure we have up to date email addresses for parents,
  • reading the set program sent out by teachers,
  •  Ensure your child is engaging in at least 30 minutes of reading each day as well the planned tasks set by the teacher.

Stay tuned for further updates.

Our Camping Program

The 3/4 Camp which was scheduled to leave on Wednesday of this week has been postponed due to Department of Education directions.  We are seeking a new date but this may not be possible. The directive re camps and excursions could put our future plans under threat.  We will keep you posted early in the new term.

School Photos

As a result of the current situation our School Photos will be rescheduled.  Currently, we are seeking an alternative and will publish this date on COMPASS a soon as we can confirm.

Parent Representatives for 2020

Wonderful news! We have all classes covered with a Parent Rep for this year.  The Parent Reps are as follows:

Please make yourself known to the Parent Rep.  The class teachers will be in contact to ask for your email address and or mobile phone number so a group will be created. This is an opt out process, so please let the Class Teacher know if you are not wanting to be involved.

Well that is about it from me. Until we meet in person, stay calm and well.


Kerri Simpson Principal (acting at Moonee Ponds West PS)