Principal's Report

Dear parents, carers and kin,


As I reflect on this past week at Naranga School I realise we have nearly completed two whole terms without interruption. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Naranga community for continuing to monitor cold and flu like symptoms and remind all parents that if you would like more RAT tests to contact your child's home room teacher or our office staff and we can send them home with the students or have them ready to be collected at the office


This week the teachers have been involved with Student Support Group meetings.  It has been great to see parents onsite through the week.  If you have not booked a session yet please reach out to your child's homeroom teacher.  They can be conducted in person, online or over the telephone.


Next week is our final week for the term so please plan for an early finish next Friday - 24th June 2pm.  We will have an assembly on the final day, the time yet to be decided.


Finally we wish all the best to our senior school students who are taking part in an all day sports carnival today.  Fingers crossed the weather stays fine.  I am looking forward to hearing about the outcomes.


Shaun Bacon

Assistant Principal