Education News 

Planning Week

Next week is planning week at school for all classroom and specialists teachers.


Planning week occurs once a term and involves all year level teachers meeting together to focus on curriculum and event planning for the term.

The classroom teachers plan from 8.45am – 1.30pm and during this time students are taught by specialist teachers or a CRT (Casual Relief Teacher).  Students may be involved in attending five sessions that are a combination of Japanese, HALL, Creative Arts, Physical Education, Performing Arts and /or work in their classroom with a CRT. The last session for the day is operated as a normal timetabled day however to break up the week for the students they will participate in a one hour specialist activity on an alternative day to their planning day. An example of this may look like this:


Room 7 will have planning day on Monday and will participate in P.E., Japanese, Performing Arts, and have a CRT activity in the classroom. On Wednesday Room 7 will have Creative Arts at 2.30pm.


Students look forward to planning week and enjoy the variety of activities on offer.  Teachers continue their planning at assigned meetings conducted after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


The Planning days for Week 2 are allocated to:

  • Monday -1/2
  • Tuesday- 5 /6
  • Wednesday- 3 /4 and Grade 1’s.
  • Thursday- 2/3
  • Friday is a normal timetable day.

Foundation/Prep Week One

Hip Hip Hooray!!

The Foundation students started school on Thursday.

After ‘Orientation’ and ‘Meet the Teacher’ sessions last year, the day finally arrived!

The students have had a settled start to the school year. Yes, there were a few tears and some anxious moments, but they were mostly from the parents!  On the whole, a  very smooth start to the year.

Many of the students experienced Physical Education, Creative Arts and/or Performing Arts within the first two days of their school life and they all coped extremely well.

The Foundation/One team are looking forward to a fantastic 2018.

To the parents of our Foundation students:  Remember to put the Parent Information session date into your calendar. It is on Tuesday 13th February (Week 3).  Meanwhile, please speak to your child’s classroom teacher if you have any questions about beginning school.

 We are here to help and look forward to catching up with you at our ‘Getting to Know You’ Interviews in Week  4

Vicki McCormack on behalf of the F/1 Team.