Principal's report


A warm welcome back to all the students, staff and community members of Moonee Ponds West.


The year ahead promises to be an exciting one. We are trialing the addition of Performing Arts into the curriculum. The early feedback from students to date has been more than encouraging. The existing toilets on Eglington St are to be demolished and replaced by a new and more modern toilet building. This will involve repositioning the toilet building and relocating the vegetable garden to the Northwest corner of the school. The outlook when exiting rooms 7 & 8 will then upon the vegetable garden. 2018 is also a year of review – which presents a multitude of opportunities to engage with all our students, staff and community members. Further details regarding the initial phase of this year of review, a review of our school vision and values, is outlined below.

I look forward to catching up with everyone at the first community event for the year - our annual Basket Tea held next Friday February 9th.   

New Staff

We welcome all our new staff to Moonee Ponds West.

Lauren Klymenko

Lauren is teaching a grade F/1 class in room 23. 

Jane O'Loughlin

Jane is teaching in the Performing Arts.

Ben Kilby

Ben is teaching a grade in room 24. 

Ashley Spagnol

Ashley is our Assistant Principal responsible for the Curriculum.  


In next week's newsletter we will include a brief introduction on our new staff members. 

February Arrangements for Foundation (Prep) Year Students

During the month of February, children in their Foundation year will be attending school 9:00 am to 3:30 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. They will not be in attendance on Wednesdays. Children in their Foundation year will commence school five days a week from Monday 5th of March.

Planning Week

Next week is planning week at school for all classroom and specialists teachers. Please see the 'Education News' section within the newsletter for further information.

Parent Information evenings

Parent Information evenings for each of the Foundation/Year 1, Year 1/2, Year 2/3, Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 teaching teams will be held the week beginning the 12th of February.  


Foundation/One             Tuesday 13th February

One/Two Team                Monday 19th February

Two/Three Team            Thursday 15th  February

Three/Four Team           Wednesday 14th February

Five/Six Team                  Monday 12th February


The following week is the first of the Parent/Teacher Meet the Teacher meetings. These meeting provide the opportunity for a conversation between teachers and parent/carers in relation to the particular educational, social & emotional needs of children. The scheduling of these meetings takes place early in the year  and proves to be an invaluable means of establishing and consolidating communication between teachers and parent/carers and serves to proactively address children’s needs. There will be a further opportunity for Parent/Teacher Meet the Teacher meetings on Wednesday 25th of July.

Thank you

A special thank you to the staff who have worked periodically over the break. 

Vision and Values workshop

Every 4 years  school's in Victoria undertakes a Self evaluation in preparation for a School Review and the writing of a new School Strategic Plan.


An essential component of the school self evaluation is a review of the school’s vision and values. To facilitate this review, a workshop of parents, staff and students will take place between the hours of 11:30 – 1:30 on Monday, February 14th. 

If you wish to express your interest in participating in this review could you please do so by emailing the school’s email address by 4 pm Friday 9th February. We are hoping for the broadest possible representation of our school community and especially anyone who may not have previously participated in any of the school’s committees or working groups. There are no particular skills required of participants other than an interest in thoughtfully considering how best to put into words the vision and values of Moonee Ponds West that best encapsulates the social, emotional and educational needs of all the children of Moonee Ponds West.

The draft vision and values resulting from the workshop of approximately 12 people will be available for further feedback and comment from students, staff and community members before  school council considers feedback and wording of our vision and values.  


The current school vision is:


Our vision at MPW is to foster a community of life-long learners. We strive to develop socially responsible and resilient individuals who are working towards achieving their full potential.


The current school values are:

  • Respect
  • Community
  • Honesty & Integrity
  • Creativity
  • Persistence
  • Inclusiveness
  • Freedom
  • Rights & Responsibilities

Getting to know you interviews

Getting to know you Parent/Teacher/Student interviews will take place from the Monday 19th to Thursday 22nd of February. The late night for interviews will Thursday 22nd February.

Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) and student welfare

The person responsible for the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) and student welfare matters of a complex nature is Barb Springfield. Your child’s classroom teacher remains the contact person for any questions and concerns you may have in relation to your child’s education and wellbeing.  We will be holding an information session regarding additional needs and the support offered at MPW on Friday 9th February at 9:30 in the Library.  This  information session is an opportunity to outline for all community members the steps and processes the school takes in identifying and supporting children with additional needs as well as the types of support the school can offer. It will also give parents/carers the opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions.

Specialist Classes

As we commence the 2018 school year all students will have one hour of Performing Arts, Creative Arts, Japanese and PE. There is also the Hall developmental play program for children in Foundation Year, Year 1 and Year 2. All grades have 30 minutes scheduled in the library with their classroom teacher.

Be Safe Around School

A reminder to everyone to take a little extra care with driving in the vicinity of the school grounds, especially given there are new Foundation children around both before and after school.

Student Absences

If your child is absent from school (including illness and appointment), it is necessary to inform the  school. Please see the School Information section within the newsletter. We will be implementing an SMS system that will alert parents/carers to the unexplained absence of their child/ren.

Lunch Orders

Lunch orders at Moonee Ponds West are supplied by Darling Street Espresso Cafe.

Please see the School Information section within the newsletter for further information.


A reminder that children are required to wear hats outside from the 1st of September until the 30th of April.


Children at Moonee Ponds West have the option of wearing a school uniform. If you wish to purchase uniform items they are available from Lowes which is situated at Highpoint and online. We also have a selection of second hand clothing available to purchase from the Office. 

Please see the School Information section within the newsletter.

Welcome and welcome back to MPW

A reminder there is a welcome and welcome back to MPW basket supper on Friday February 9th from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm on the tiger turf.

Contact details

If your contact details have changed for 2018 please contact the office as soon as possible to ensure your contact details remain current.

Newsletter Feedback

All feedback in relation to the newsletter is always welcome.

Please email your thoughts and contributions to

First Aid update

If your child’s/ren’s medical needs have changed or need updating for 2018 (eg: asthma, allergy, anaphylaxis) could you please ensure the office receives this information as soon as possible. If you are unsure as to the information the school may have, please ring the office to discuss and/or confirm.

Bree White

Tonight is the first game in the 2018 AFLW season. We wish Bree all the very best for the game and the season ahead.

Movie Night 2018

Our first fundraising event for the year will be the annual movie night held on the tiger turf. Please save Friday 23rd of March in your diary for what is always a fantastic event.


Enjoy the weekend


Notices Home

Tuesday 30th January

  • Inter school Sport Permission - Grade 5/6
  • Swimming Carnival - Grades 4/5/6

Wednesday 31st January 2018

  • SMS Communication - whole school
  • Teaching arrangements -  Room 22

Thursday 1st February 2018

  • 2018 Permissions Notice - whole school
  • Additional Needs information session - whole school