Education News 

Maths Competition Results

The following results are for the Australian Mathematics Competition in which 36 of our students chose to participate. Everyone should be extremely proud of their effort and their result.

The competition is held in August each year. If your child is interested in participating in the competition next year please look for information in this newsletter and on COMPASS next year.

 The competition is a fantastic experience for students.

Again, WELL DONE to ALL the students who participated.     

Vicki McCormack.

Communication with the teachers

COMPASS has the capacity to enable parents to communicate directly with teachers.  We have not opened this function as yet but plan to next year in 2020.  The protocols have been developed by parents, teachers and consultation has occurred at the Parent Representative group, Education Sub-Committee, through the Principal’s Staff meeting and School Council.

Protocols provide guidance for communication so that we are professional and effective.