Principal's report

Dear Parents, Carers, Staff, Students and Community members,

Our Basket Tea was a success last Friday night.  The weather was sunny, children laughed and played together and parents, grandparents and friends happily joined conversations about all things.  It was great to see so many families and staff make the effort to attend especially after a busy week.  Events like the Basket Tea enable our school to build a culture of positivity, as we get to know and trust each other strengthening our learning community. Thank you Jackie for organising the Sausage Sizzle and Andrea  for organising the Keep Cup Fundraiser.

School Council Elections

The nominations for School Council CLOSE this THURSDAY.  We have SIX (6) parent and TWO (2) staff vacancies.  School Council is a wonderful way to get to know the workings of your school. I urge your consideration.  Nomination forms are available from the General Office.  Please ask for the attention of Sandra.

Hot Weather to come! 

Just when you thought you could feel the cool breeze of Autumn, we are back into the heat.  This week will probably need to have a Hot Day process.  When weather is inclement or there are extremes of heat we activate this process. During days of heat we keep the children inside their classrooms.  All classrooms are air-conditioned.  Children are directed to use the inside time to finish existing learning tasks, play passive games and remain hydrated. Please ensure that your child has a refillable water-bottle each day. Staff are also mindful that in such weather sleeping isn’t easy. It is important however to retain the existing bedtimes and routines. Good Luck!

The New Toilet Block

The construction is coming along and taking shape every day. Within the next few days you will see the brick ‘skin’ emerge from the ground.  How exciting! This construction will be red brick to fit with the existing structures of the school. In the meantime we are all managing with the ‘not ideal’ portable toilets and the inconvenience of a smaller play space. I am sure it will be worth it inthe end.

Refurbishment of the Hall Building Toilets

Over the coming holidays the School Council has approved a refurbishment of the Hall toilets.  These are used by our Foundation and One classes mainly.  Such a refurbishment is long overdue I suggest, and has been made possible by your generous contribution to the Building Fund. Without such generosity we wouldn’t be able to complete this important and necessary task.  In 2019, your donations to the Building Fund will be targeted to Wicker Garden Beds for the corner fronting Athol and Lennox Streets.  We are keen to establish a science growing and mini sensory area for our Junior school.  It’s very exciting!

The Sensory Garden Grant

We have the first draft of plans for this wonderful opportunity.  Jack’s Paddock will be re-created.  The ‘bones’ of community work from the past are still evident in this area, and we will be seeking your feedback as to the most important aspects to retain and recreate. The Environment Sub-Committee of School Council have carriage of this project.  Consultation on what to retain or add to this area will begin before the end of this term so that tenders can be sought in Term 2. The plan is for the redevelopment work to begin in Semester 2 ready for a spring opening.  There will be aspects of our plan that will require work on weekends from community members.  We plan to have Working Bees to achieve the best outcome for our students.  The theory is that if we all work to make this area then we will all work to maintain and look after the garden and the play space.  I may be knocking on your door for help with this project!

Lost Property

Our Education Support Staff will be working with our parent Lost Property carers to ensure all labelled clothing is returned to you.  I call the parents who are doing this role ‘carers’ because they care enough about sustainability and minimising waste to ensure that your child’s garment is returned.  The new process to assist the parents with this task and will see a team sort and return to teacher’s pigeon holes any item of clothing found, with a name.  All parents and carers can help our dedicated team by naming all items (clothing and other!).  It is best to have first and surname in black texta on the inside collar. My goal in this area?  No items of clothing left on the synthigrass or on the hangers or in the blue tubs!  All returned to their rightful owners!

Well that’s about it from me for this week.  Until we meet in person.


Kerri Simpson

Principal (Acting at MPWPS)

Parent Payments

A reminder to community members that if you  have a valid Health Care Card as at the 28th February you may be eligible to apply for the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF). If you require an application, they are available from the General Office.  

Thank you to community members who have paid their family accounts, a reminder to community members that 2019 family accounts are payable by Friday 15th of March. A reminder letter and statement will be sent home to families after the 15th of March.  If you wish to discuss your account or require a family account please do so in confidence with the Business Manager, Sandra Monaghan.