Principal's Report
Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of MPWPS,
What a wonderful afternoon for the Basket Tea on Friday. It great to see so many families in attendance. Thank you to staff who were available to attend. It is such a great opportunity for an informal meet and greet and chance to meet new families for 2021 classes. I would like to thank Sandra and Sharyn for their work at the gate managing the QR code and entry to ensure COVID compliance. It looked like a fun night for all!
The term has gone quickly and I am pleased to have received feedback from some parents through discussion over the past week about the smooth return to school this term and how they feel students have been able to fall back into routine.
3-way Conferences
A reminder that 3-way conferences are held throughout next week. Bookings can be made via Compass until the end of this week. The conferences will be held on WebEx and will give you a chance to discuss your child’s learning and goals.
Mixing across year levels
Now that we are some distance from the ‘circuit break’ lockdown this term, we are pleased to announce that we are transitioning back to allowing students to mix across year levels indoors. We are starting with allowing mixing for FAT on Fridays and will beginning our Buddy classes next term also. Students were very happy with the news when announced at assembly.
Ongoing Reporting
As we close to the end of term, you will receive the final Ongoing Reporting task for your child’s learning. In the last week of term you will also receive the first Progress Report for your child’s behaviour and effort in the classroom this term. Progress Reports are given at the end of each term and factor into the Semester Report as well.
I was pleased to see that almost all of the 3/4 student group were able to head off to camp this week. So many excited students (and some excited parents) departed Monday morning to PGL Camp in Kyneton. Teachers are sending updates through Compass each day. We welcome our campers back on Wednesday afternoon.
Coming up next term are our two 5/6 camps. Camp 1 (Room 8, 9 and 10) head to Camp Kookaburra near Echuca on Tuesday 27th April and return on Friday 30th April. Then Camp 2 (Room 7 and Room 11) from Tuesday 4th May to Friday 7th May. Over the 4-day camp students spend one day in Echuca for some historical visits and hopefully a ride down the river on a paddle steamer. More information for the 5/6 camp will be come home this week.
Kind regards,
Jarrod Sutton
Principal (Acting)
Community Engagement Report
Our successful Community Basket Tea,
how wonderful was it to get together last Friday night! I saw children running and playing together like there was no tomorrow, and parents conversing and catching up!
Thank-you to the all parents who were able to attend and make this a great night! We need more of these opportunities I am thinking. Seeing your class teacher and others in their team in an informal setting makes all discussions easier and outcomes for students much better.
The Community Engagement Sub-Committee of School Council organises community events with the help of the Parent Reps. At the first meeting of the Community Engagement Sub-Committee we will be preparing the calendar of community events. Interested? Why not join this sub-committee?
Many schools have gatherings like our Basket Tea, Trivia Nights, Family Movie evenings and other days where parents and family members can participate in a school day. In 2021 I am hopeful that we can plan some of these activities to really connect our students, staff and families to strengthen the wonderful community we have at MPWPS.
Please see below the Sub Committe EOI for 2021.
Kerri Simpson