Principal's Report

Term 1, Week 5

Dear Parents and Carers,


We have certainly hit the ground running to begin the 2023 school year! Our new Kindergarten students have taken to "big school" like ducks to water and our classrooms are already humming along with engaged learners in every class. 


We completed the annual Census count last Friday and our student population now sits at 272 students, which is significantly higher than in 2022. We know this is presenting its own complications at pick up time with the extra bodies around, but we appreciate everyone's patience to ensure the safety of all the school community. 


Last week I attended the first Principal's Meeting of the school year in Gunnedah. At this meeting, the Diocesan theme for 2023 was launched - "Renew with Hope". As a part of this launch, the new diocesan prayer was used for the first time. Today, each student will receive a hard copy. 


This week is a particularly busy week at St Francis Xavier's. Tomorrow, the St Francis Xavier's Parish is hosting the clergy of the diocese for their annual Mass and meeting here in Narrabri. Our students in Years 3 to 6 will attend the Mass at 11.00am in the church. Not only will all the clergy of the diocese be in attendance, this will also be a chance for us to say farewell to Bishop Michael Kennedy who will be taking up the role of Bishop in the Diocese of Maitland Newcastle early next month. 


This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and marks the beginning of the season of Lent. All students will attend Mass in the church at 12.00pm and receive their ashes. Parents and families are welcome to join us for both Masses this week. 


This Thursday, members of the Catholic Schools Office Leadership team, together with teachers and principals from other schools in the diocese will visit St Francis Xavier's School. This visit will provide an opportunity for our school leadership team to showcase our 2023 school improvement agenda and for our visitors to conduct learning walks through our classrooms. Our school improvement agenda is an important living document in our school community and identifies our designated areas for improvement this year and beyond. A copy of our three improvement goals can be found in today's newsletter. These goals were co-constructed at the end of last year and refined during the first two weeks of this school year.

The School Advisory Committee plays an important role in providing parent community voice to these goals, in collaboration with Catholic Schools Office personnel and all staff. 


As a part of these goals, specifically in the implementation of the Living Well Learning Well framework, we have re-established our student representative council in 2023. Classes in Years 3 to 6 voted last week for their Living Well, Learning Well representatives and these students will work with our 2023 School Captains, Vice Captains and Prefects to form our student representative council. The SRC will provide a student voice in supporting the implementation of this framework and meet reguarly to discuss issues around the school concerning safety, learning and respect. 


Today you will have received a hard copy of information from your child's class teachers in regards to school routines and general class information. There will be an opportunity to meet with your child's class teacher before the end of term, however please contact the school office if you would like to arrange a meeting with your child's class teachers if there are any pressing concerns.


Have a great week!
