Term 3 Week 6

Home Learning



This week in Reading we will be focusing on the picture story book "The Dot" by Peter H Reynolds. This story introduces the students to the idea of creativity. Students will be completing a 'Literacy Menu' throughout the week with different tasks relating to the book. The literacy menu tasks focus on the skills of reading with expression and fluency, anaylsing the text and summarising. 

Listening and Speaking

Throughout this week students will have the opportunity to present their 'Sharing the Planet' Personal Inquiry Project in a small group meet. They will be assessed  on the factual content, knowledge of the topic and their oral presentation skills. All students will record two facts they have learned from their peers' presentations. This will encourage active listening and positive affirmations. 


The published pieces of writing, that the students produced this week, looked amazing. It was fabulous to see so many embrace everything they had learnt about the writing process and implement this knowledge in their final product.

Next week we are beginning a unit on poetry. This will include exploring different types of poems and expressing our own ideas, thoughts and feelings through poetry.


Word Study

Next week we are reinforcing some of the trickier codes that may not yet be in the students' automatic file. We will also continue to look at 'Wally the Whisperer' and how the letter 'w' and 'wh' can influence the letter 'a' and make it say the /o/ sound. For example, 'was' and 'what'.


Number and Algebra

This week we will continue to focus on multiplication. We will be developing our written strategies for solving 1 x 1 digit, 2 x 1 digit and multi digit problems. We have been building up the student's knowledge of using different multiplication strategies for multiplication over the past two weeks and they will apply those as we develop our understanding of the written multiplication algorithm.

Students can play 'Multiverse' which is a game on Mathletics in the 'play' tab. Here they will find some games they can play testing their skills using multiplication. Students that are not familiar with the times tables can listen to the 'Times Table Tunes' in the explore tab, under videos. There they will find some short songs to help them remember the times tables.


Measurement and Geometry.

This week students will continue to deepen their understanding of Mass. Through practical activities they will realise the limitations of hefting and of the need to use scales which record accurately and with a common standard unit of measurement.

Unit of Inquiry

This week we start a new unit of inquiry under the PYP theme of 'How We Express Ourselves'. The students will consider different examples and forms of personal expression. Through reflection they will identify how they express themselves and show this is a unique presentation. To open up the students' thinking to different art forms, they will identify and classify images which they believe are art or not art. Through reasoning and justification of the placement students will write their own definition of what art is. 




This week the students are being invited to revisit some of the wellbeing strategies they practised in Term 2. The challenge cards include yoga, mindfulness activities, brain breaks and mantra cards.  The students are being encouraged to think about the strategies that work best for them.  They may wish to make a poster for their workspace, reminding them to use the strategies they have identified, to help keep them calm and focused.     

Grade 3 Team

If you need to contact your child's class teacher you can do so via Compass. Alternatively, our email addresses are as follows. Please note the Department of Education has recently changed all Education staff email addresses, so these may be different to the ones you already have.


Sylvia Zanati (3A) 



Georgia Kirk (3B)



Shae Langford-Jones & Amanda Kerr (3C)




Bill Kolivas (3D) 
