Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club 

We are very grateful, thank you Foodbank Victoria


Delicious breakfasts offered Tuesday to Friday


Children are very welcome to come along to Mackellar’s Breakfast Club, where they will be happily served with a smile. Our Breakfast Club program is an initiative of the Victorian Government in partnership with Foodbank Victoria. The program delivers healthy breakfast foods to many primary schools across Victoria and our school is one of them.   


Breakfast Club enables children to: 

  • enjoy a nutritious breakfast 
  • have the energy to engage and participate fully in all the educational and social opportunities throughout the day 
  • get a kick-start to the day by being refueled with energy and nutrients (the previous meal is typically 8 to 10 hours before waking). 


Here is the breakfast menu offered at our school. We recommend asking children to have a couple of options in mind if we are needing to update our breakfast pantry. 


Most importantly, please also let us know if your child has allergies to any food on the menu.