Grade 1/2
Grade 1: Grade 2 : Support:
Tiffany Dean (1D) Pina Saliba (2S) Kim Mavrogiannis (Ms Mav)
Kathryn Ridsdale (1R) Abbey Giles (2G) Noor Hussain
Nathan Frawley
Lauren Pieterman
Grade 1/2
Grade 1: Grade 2 : Support:
Tiffany Dean (1D) Pina Saliba (2S) Kim Mavrogiannis (Ms Mav)
Kathryn Ridsdale (1R) Abbey Giles (2G) Noor Hussain
Nathan Frawley
Lauren Pieterman
Here are some photos of 2G enjoying some hands on maths investigation tasks. Using the balance scales, blocks and items from around the room the students worked as a team to find the mass of the objects found around the room.
A couple of weeks ago when the sun was shining, the grade 2’s also investigated the capacity of containers using different sized/shaped containers and water. The students did an outstanding job and were all very engaged with the fun tasks at hand.
Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year.