Sport News

Cross Country

We held our Cross Country Trials on Monday 29th April at MPW.  Congratulations to all our competitors who challenged themselves to run 3km and 2km respectively in their age groups.

We saw some great individual performances, but a highlight of the day was the encouragement and confidence the students gave each other.


Thanks to all the parents and carers who helped supervise the course and Fiona & Lisa who assisted with the results.


Good luck to the students listed below who will represent our school at District Cross Country on Friday May 17th.

Winter Sport

This week winter sport begins with MPW Gold playing Nth Melbourne at home.  MPW Blue has a bye.

Students will play games of Football, Netball and Tee Ball.  Students who are not selected in their team for a week will participate in some Basketball coaching from SEDA students, who are being supported to develop their coaching skills.


This week the fixture and teams will be sent via Compass to all Gr 5/6 Parents & Carers.  This information is also on the Sports notice board in the Gym