Education News 


Moonee Ponds West Primary School is committed to enhancing student learning by working collaboratively between home and school.  The opportunity to practice reading for improved comprehension and fluency is crucial to all students, and so the school is offering our students the opportunity to join our Early Bird Readers Club.

In Term 2, some staff will be available in the library between the hours of 8.30am to 8.45am on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, to listen to students in Year 2 – 4 read. Children will be given time to practice their reading with the support of an adult. 

Classroom teachers will ensure ‘just right’ books are selected for students to bring to these sessions.  These books will be in their Home Reading satchel.  Students are asked to bring these books in the morning with them to the library.

A Sign-In book will be allocated at the entrance of the library and students are asked to independently sign in as they arrive at 8.30am.  The Early Bird Readers Club will commence on Tuesday MAY 7th.

If your child is excited about reading and would like to join our Early Bird Readers Club could you please contact their classroom teacher and they will ensure that you child will have their ‘just right’ books sent home with them at the end of the day.  We encourage children to attend all or at least two mornings for their improvement to be immediate.

Thank-you to all involved.  We look forward to your feedback on this new learning opportunity.


Lisa Angelo (for the Early Bird Readers Club)



In Flanders Fields - Wednesday 24th April 2019 Today Room 2 read the poem, In Flanders Fields. We focused on visualising when listening to the poem.  Students then illustrated what they visualised. This was to acknowledge ANZAC Day.


Room 7 Inquiry

Dear parents and carers,

Room 7 are organising a small business for our inquiry topic. We have chosen to create Beeswax wraps. In case you don't know what they are, they are sustainable wraps to keep your food fresh. Room 7 are trying to erase glad wrap as much as we can, and replace it with this product. To achieve our goal we need the following items:

  • Honeycomb or pure Beeswax (pure Beeswax is referred) at least 1kg please
  • Jojoba oil 120ml
  • Pine resin or Dammar gum at least 500g
  • 100% only cotton fabric

If you are able or willing to donate these items please contact Liz in Room 7 MPWPS, by the middle of week 3.

Thank you,

Sincerely Room 7