Principal's report

Greetings Parents, Carers, Community Members and Students,

Welcome back to Term 2.  A bit of a short week for our first week back, with Easter Monday and Anzac Day all in the one week! The term starts with a focus on our 5/6 camping program (weeks 2 and 3) and then NAPLAN Statewide testing (week 4).

NAPLAN in 2019

The statewide testing program is in Week 4 this year (May 14, 15 with a catchup day on May 16).  In preparation the teachers have been given a reading from Fountas and Pinnell entitled ‘Teaching the Genre of Testing’.  For students to do their best in such a test situation they require an understanding of how to answer a multiple choice question and how to identify a ‘distractor’ to name a couple of skills. Students also have to write within a time constraint and to a prompt. This can be difficult if not part of existing teaching process.  In real life we all have to write to a time frame sometimes, so this is really a life skill.  Our students in Year 5 perform well above the State, and our result is similar to other schools with students like ours.  In Year 3 we perform at the State a little different to other schools with students like ours.  In preparation for the NAPLAN we certainly don’t need to do extensive test practice, but we do need to provide every opportunity for our students to do their best, and see this as an opportunity to be involved in a different learning experience. Teachers already use three pieces of learning evidence when planning for learning needs, with one piece being an external measure.   Good teaching practice will stand up to any external measure I believe. The NAPLAN is a snapshot in time; it does help if children are encouraged to do their best. Hoping your child will participate and you will be able to talk together about giving their best effort in this task.

Parent Term Calendar

We include again with this newsletter the Parent Term Calendar.  All the important dates have been added to the Community Calendar in COMPASS, and any changes will appear here for your convenience. 

Parent Forums for Term 2

This term we are very fortunate to have Dr David Collins host the Forums.  David will provide information on Anxiety and our children, including how we can support children to be confident and more resilient.  The first Forum is May 3rd from 9-10 am.  Young siblings are welcome as we will have some toys for them.  The second Forum will be on June 7th again 9-10 am.  We will confirm the venue via COMPASS on Thursday.

Our NYC trip

We had a great time with other teachers and leaders, viewing lessons and speaking with students about their learning.  We were able to see students from kindergarten to Year 9 engaged in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics from District 20 in Brooklyn.  The STEAM Expo was held at a Junior High School with each school exhibiting their chosen project.  Jarrod and I hope to put our pictures together for viewing on the General Office TV.  We are required to put a report together for the Department of Education, and have given an undertaking to the Superintendent of District 20 that we will contribute to a professional article on our international partnership.  When completed we will add it to the website under school documents.

Our Annual Implementation Plan for 2019

So what are we working on this year? I am including a summary of the foci for our work this term.  The School Council through the Education Sub-Committee monitors the implementation of our goals and targets for the year.   Have a look at the summary.  It is good to be informed.

Toilet Update

Unfortunately the finishing of the toilets has been held up, as has the completion of the refurbishment of the toilets in the Hall Building.  Please be patient we are almost there.  In the meantime we have the use of the portable toilets as we had last term.  The builders are waiting on the partitioning for the cubicles and the laser sheeting for the top of the Toilet Block. We will keep you updated via COMPASS so please activate your password and get into the habit of checking COMPASS for school communication.

Cross Country Trials

Thank-you to the parents who provided feedback on the original dates proposed.  We have been able to adjust to APRIL 29th so that we can get the maximum number of children involved.  The trials were held on Monday and by all accounts there was some very good running!  Well done to all students who participated and the parents who gave time to help with the supervision.

2020 Foundation Parent Evening

This year we are holding a parent information session for prospective parents.  If you have a child that is to start school in 2020, I invite you to attend to become familiar with the school and our transition processes. These have changed a little over time.  The Prospective Parent Information Evening is on  Thursday 16th May at 6.30pm.  Of course, if you know families who also may be interested spread the word!


Well that’s about it from me.  Until we meet in person

Sincerely and in good faith

Kerri Simpson

Principal (Acting at MPWPS)