Structured Workplace Learning

New in SWL:
The City LLEN’s partnership with Spotless Integrated has led to us coordinating an exciting SWL placement with the Spotless Epicure (catering) team at the MCG for a student in the City of Melbourne. The local VCAL student is studying Certificate II in Hospitality. As part of the student’s application process with Epicure they were put though the same recruitment Interview and Induction process for candidates applying for employment. Whilst rigorous, this is great training for when they finish Year 12 or university. The student commenced their SWL placement in the week leading up to the AFL Grand Final which was an exciting time as they got to experience working in a fast paced hospitality environment. The feedback from the Culinary Manager at Spotless Epicure has been very positive in regards to the student’s SWL placement advising that it is likely that they will be offered casual employment as a result of her successful SWL placement.
For students still requiring an SWL placement during Term 4 2018 below are some SWL opportunities teachers and students may consider, remember sometimes we can arrange a placement for a day or part of a week which may support some students:
Cross Yarra Trams – Positions in the city & St Kilda Rd (IT, admin, business services) W110211/ W110264/ W110216
Carlton Baths (Sport and Recreation) W106236
Lady Gowrie Childcare Docklands W106288
Myer Melbourne (retail cosmetics and women’s wear) W107262 W107253
Spotless/Epicure (MCG) (Kitchen Hand, students must be able to work Weekends, great chance to gain on-going employment and work their way up) W108913
Bunnings Collingwood (Retail) W110257
Loads more on the SWL Portal link! Click here
VCAL Teachers start planning for 2019 SWL opportunities now as popular SWL opportunities get consumed early on in the year. New SWL Opportunities for 2019 will be available for teachers and students to view after the 1st of December 2018, the City LLEN will have some exciting new placements for 2019 so get in early to secure these opportunities.