School Council 

School Council Membership 2021/2022

Parent members:

  • Ann Abramovic
  • Matthew Cam
  • Melanie Hunter
  • Matthew Kenny
  • Fiona Limoli
  • Anna Poole
  • Brian Stanley
  • Laura Tripp

 DET members:

  • Kerri Simpson - Executive Officer
  • Helen Lockart
  • Jarrod Sutton
  • Sandra Monaghan  - School Council Secretary

School Council meeting report 16th September 2021 

School Council met online on Thursday 16th September. 


  • A Child Safe update was provided sharing that continued support is being provided across the school and supportive links to access relevant information and events are being shared with the community
  • Principal’s Report: Kerri shared the data of the 2021 NAPLAN results in the form of a quadrant graph. This graph highlighted the trends of ‘learning growth’ from 2018 – 2021 in the learning areas of Reading, Writing and Mathematics. Sharing the data this way provides an opportunity for all stakeholders to analyse the data and work collectively towards improved outcomes. The focus of this data analysis is to have discussions around how the school continues to grow all student’s knowledge and skills. While unpacking the data on the graphs discussion took place for the reasons justifying these results. It was acknowledged that the overall reading data was influenced by the streamlining of the Professional Learning Teams (PLT) and the collaboration of teachers and how they use evidence of understanding to differentiate the learning for students. Kim Simmons (Literacy Leader) has focussed on consistent practises, documentation in planning and having explicit conversations with teachers about deciding on strategies for supporting students as a focus. Discussion took place on how the school is supporting those students who have been identified as not demonstrating the expected growth in their reading. There are many strategies currently in place to support these students. However, this data will be helpful to further review current practice. An upward trend was identified in the Writing data and large growth has occurred since 2018. This progress in data was identified as a result of the work staff have placed into developing the complexity of student writing in many ways. The Maths results were all well above state averages although the growth in this data not as significant as in Reading and Writing. Teachers identified that Maths had been more difficult to support during online learning. Due to COVID19, the partnership with Chris Coombes, Maths Consultant, was on hold however the staff will engage again with his support with the focus on developing differentiation in Maths teaching. As a result of this connection with Chris, Jess Greenbaum (Mathematics Leader), can engage with a professional teaching network to explore various Mathematics teaching strategies and approaches.
  • Enrolments: Currently we have 60 Foundation students enrolled for 2022 and a total of 433 students. Discussion with staff is now taking place on the structures of classes for next year.
  • The Resources Committee shared the updates to the Parent Payment Policy (PPP). These adjustments reflect the changes mandated by the Department of Education and Training. Much time has been placed into the design of this information to ensure the form more clearly states what each payment and contribution supports. A simplified version will be available, supported by a document to explain each payment section. Kerri and Brian will create a short video to explain how these parent payments work. The success of Kerri’s Kitchen has determined this communication strategy!!!
  • Dress Code: A survey was sent to all families to complete to further inform this whole school decision.
  • With many fundraising opportunities lost this year we are looking forward (with our fingers crossed) to this years School Fun Run to be held in Week 6 of Term 4. Thanks to Bree White for the effort she is placing into creating a whole school experience; along with the opportunity to raise some funds for the school. More information will be shared in relation to this event soon.
  • The sandpit is being moved! To ensure it is compliant with regulations it requires a new base. There is talk that the area beyond the new toilet block could be developed to include a new home for the sandpit.
  • Tender arrangements are commencing for the  licence to operate the OSHC program at our school. Tender details will be drafted at the next Resources meeting.

The next School Council meeting is scheduled for the 25th October 2021.


Fiona Limoli

School Councillor

Annual General Meeting 21st June 2021

On Monday 21st June Moonee Ponds West Primary held our Annual General meeting. At the meeting the school reported on the  2020 Annual report to the School Community. Please find attached the AGM presentation and the 2020  Annual Report to the School Community.

Sub Committee's 2021 - Expression of Interest 

Are you interested in joining one of the School Council Sub Committees for 2021? Please find attached an Expression of Interest. You may return your Expression of Interest by email to the School Council Secretary @