Principal's Report
Greetings Parents and Friends of MPWPS,
We are so pleased to have welcomed back our Foundation and Year 1 students today, Monday October 18th. There were balloons, bags, bustling at the gate and joyous voices of children, parents and teachers. It was a wonderful welcome back and start to the return to learning in classes. I hope as a parent you were as pleased with the return as we have been. Now we await the return of the other year levels.
On Thursday we welcome the Year 2 students for their two days (Thu and Fri). As a result of the easing of the lockdown requirements, we welcome the 5/6 students back to their classes on Friday. The 5/6 students will then return to the existing onsite timetable of Oct 28, 29 and Nov 4th. We have published on (COMPASS School Website and Facebook) an updated graphic of the timetable for your convenience. We have also prepared a graphic reminder regarding the mask requirements. The classes will have a social story about returning and the other requirements to keep us all safe. Social stories are a great way to consolidate behaviours that are expected.
Masks are mandated by the Chief Health Officer for students in Years 3-6
Masks are mandated by the Chief Health Officer for students in Years 3-6 and must be worn inside. For children 12 years and over masks are to be worn inside and outside. For our Junior students masks are encouraged inside. I have seen many children wearing their mask which is commendable. I trust you will be able work with us to ensure all are kept safe at school.
Term 4 Sun-Smart
A broad brim hat is required for Term 4. Our Foundation students have a yellow bucket hat for this year, and all other students mostly wear the school navy broad brim hat. All clothing must cover the shoulders and shorts should be to the knee protecting the legs; sun-smart.
COVID19 Parent Letter from the Department of Education
Yesterday we received this communication to pass onto communities. I am adding this as further information to you. The letter has information about items we have already communicated.
Split Recess and Lunchtimes
Again we will be using a split timetable to ensure the safety of students and minimise the mixing of students across the school. When we go to the split timetable, we will also be moving to the staggered entry 8.40-8.50am through designated gates as before, and dismissal time of 3.20pm. These times will apply from November 5th. Please check the Parent Staggered Return Guidelines for the processes for the school. I am attaching again for Parent Information and convenience.
Footnote: One young student yesterday referred to the closing of the gate between the junior area and the oval as ‘Border Control’ and has given me a process to ensure the safety of this border! I did laugh as I hadn’t viewed this action in this way. Our students are very creative and confident aren’t they! Thank-you Will, you made my day.
2022 Foundation Transition arrangements
We are awaiting information about what will be allowed for transition both for Kinder to Foundation and Year 6 -7. It is dependent on visitors being allowed onsite. Last year we did a virtual transition program and we prepared digital information for prospective parents to view on the days when the children were onsite. We will update these so that they are ready and perhaps to use as an additional source of information.
The feedback from this style of transition program was very positive so this could be the same again this year. We are hopeful that children will be allowed onsite like last year.
For parents of our Year 6 students we will have to wait for information from the secondary colleges. If your child is going to a non government school, please confirm the arrangements with your school of choice directly.
Not returning to MPW in 2022?
If your child is not returning to MPWPS in 2022 please complete the form below and return. We are at present working with our enrolment numbers for 2022. If you are not returning, I offer our thanks to the family and student for their partnership with the school thus far. We wish all students leaving well as they take on their learning journey in a new site.
Well, that’s about it from me for this time. Please stay well and safe and don’t forget to DROP and GO so that we can maintain social distancing around the entrances.
Kind regards
Kerri Simpson
Your Principal