Welcome Back!

Dear CSC community, 


A warm welcome to all our new families and staff, and welcome back to everyone.


The transition into a new year level can be exciting, and sometimes a little daunting with new classes, new classmates and new teachers. This is the time to think about new relationships and how we can put our best selves forward by making others feel welcome and safe in our community.


This is a challenging time for our community with the teaching shortages impacting our classrooms. We have several classes that do not have a permanent teacher, but please be assured that the principal and staffing team are working tirelessly to continue to seek and employ at every opportunity. I have been humbled by the staff at our school and their willingness to understand the situation and put in additional time and work to help support our students learning.  We are committed to running as full a program and to continue to give our students the best experiences and opportunities as possible.


I would also like to thank our students, the vast majority of whom, have settled well into their learning and are being respectful to others and themselves at this time.


Looking forward, I am excited about how our new form teacher structure focuses on family connections and communication and on building strong and positive relationships between teachers and students.  Over five hundred families attended our form teacher interviews at the start of the year, getting us off to a great start with this work.  Thank you to all those who attended, and I would like to invite any families who have not yet touched base with their child's form teacher to do so in the next few weeks. 


I wish everyone a successful year of learning and that you are able to work towards your personal dreams and goals with a sense of belonging, safety and community.


Kate Morphy


NB: Please note there are new attendance parameters issue by DET where any student who has not attended, including truancy from class, for a minimum of 2 hours prior to 12 noon and/or 2 hours after noon, they will be counted with a half day absence. Please see the attendance page for further detail.