Sports News and Dates

On Monday 8th August our whole school enjoyed a fun afternoon of games to celebrate the Commonwealth Games. Students enthusiastically got into costume in their house colours. We were blessed with beautiful weather for the day and there were many demonstrations of good sportsmanship, team spirit and singing skills!
The final score had Green House win the event. Congratulations to all for a fun day. A special thanks to our parent helpers!
Our 3/4 Boys All Stars and two Future Stars teams competed in our Hoop time competition on Tuesday 9th of August. We had plenty of wins and great examples of improved skills. Thanks to Erin Pearson for all of her hard work coaching and supporting the students. Well done to all students that took part and did our school proud!
Coming up- (All dates are also on the school calendar)
On Tuesday 16th of August we have our 3/4 All Star Girls competition in Hoop time for the afternoon. All parents concerned should have received an email and operoo notice about this. The bank transfer must be paid prior to Tuesday. Best of luck to the girls!
On Friday 19th in Hoop time we have two 5/6 Future stars teams, 5/6 Girls All Stars and a 5/6 Boys All Star team. A fixture and further information for this will come out shortly. Please ensure the operoo form and the bank transfer for attendance has been completed.
On Tuesday 23rd of August we have our 5/6 Winter Sport Round Robin rescheduled event. An update will be provided for this shortly but details will be very similar to the original event. There is a new Operoo notice for this event which needs to be approved.
On Tuesday 30th of August we have our rescheduled Whole School Cross Country event. We are excited to see our students in their House Colours once again for this event. An invite will come out to families shortly. We are excited to have some of the sport students and past students from Upper Yarra Secondary assisting us with this event.