Library News

Book Week Dress Up
Book Week is a very exciting time here at school and especially in the library.
The theme this year is
"Dreaming with eyes open".
A popular way to celebrate is to dress up as one of your favourite book characters.
At St.Joseph's, we are encouraging all staff and students to dress up on
Thursday 25th August.
If you have a copy of the book your character is from, bring it along to school to share, or maybe we already have it in the library.
Book Fair at school
Our school is having a Scholastic Book Fair during Book Week which is 22nd-26th August 2022 this year. It is like a book store coming to school, which is great fun.
The Fair will be set up in our library and all the students will have the opportunity to go and look at the books with their class. They will have the chance to fill out a wish list, naming the books they like, to bring home to discuss with their family. There is no obligation to purchase the books on this list, it is just to give you an idea and create a discussion about the books. This will be made clear to the students.
Please look out for a brochure coming home with all the details on Thursday 18th August, and then your child/s wish lists following that a few days after.
On Thursday 25th August, the Book Fair will be open for students, parents or carers to come to purchase books if they would like to. It will be open before and after school, or any time during the day from 8.30am to 3.30pm. There will be another opportunity to come in to purchase books on Monday 29th August before school from 8.30-9.30am.
We will have eftpos payment available or if preferred, the books can be paid for in advance and the students can bring in a docket to exchange for the books. We would prefer for there to be no cash payments for the Book Fair please.
2nd-hand Book Sale
There will also be a few boxes of second-hand books available in the library for anyone to buy. These will be by donation and all proceeds will go into the purchase of new books for the library. Children or families are welcome to bring a few coins and buy some books. There is a selection available from baby/toddler books through to novels for Senior students. (Suggested donation might be 50 cents a book or 3 for $1.00, etc.) We hope that this means no-one will miss out on taking home a book to read during Book Week.
Book Week Competition
We are holding a “Guess how many pages in the book” competition to celebrate Book Week and there will be 3 prizes of $20 book vouchers to be spent at the Book Fair.
Students will have the opportunity to enter during their library time at school.
Can you help guess which book it is so your child can look for the book in the library to discover the amount of pages?
Here's some clues:
I am a book we have in the library.
My title is the name of a girl.
I am written by a famous author who has an unusual name.
The main character is only 5 years old.
The story is mostly set in a school environment.
There is an evil headmistress in the story.
Good luck!
Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge (VPRC)
It has been wonderful to see so many students getting involved with the VPRC this year. We have had many start their Challenge journey recently including: Harper Billings,
Jack Grayling, James Hinds, Eloise Hodge, Olivia May, Millie Moors, Marley O'Connor, Sophie Pye, Fynn Staggard, Hudson Timmermans and Matthew VanDePaverd. Well done to these students and CONGRATULATIONS to four students who have already completed their Reading Challenge:
Oliver Ireland, Liam Ireland, Sophie Joyce and Taylor Pye.
Please encourage your child/ren to keep on reading and adding their books to the website. Only a few weeks left to go, as the final date to enter books is Friday 2nd September.
Completion certificates will be given out in Term Four.