News from Grades 3/4

Students benchmark fractions on a number line


We have been learning about interjections - Hey! Wow! Oops! Huzzah! Eww! Ahem! Alas! and more.


We wrote super short interjection stories.  Huzzah! the interjection for good news, a positive, Alas! the interjection for a sorrowful moment, a negative

Danica - 

Huzzah! I'm ordering something fromAmazon!

Alas! It won’t come until next year :(!


Clara -

Huzzah! The cake is in the oven so we can eat it soon.

Alas! I burnt the house down. 


Olivia - 

Huzzah! I have unlimited pencils to color with.=)

Alas! They are blunt and there's no sharpener.=(



Huzzah! We are in the KFC drive-thru.

Alas! There's no fried chicken!



Huzzah! I think we’re going to Maccas. 

Alas! We’ve just driven past it.



Huzzah! I got robux!

Alas! My ipad's dead!



Huzzah! This smoothie bowl is delicious!

Alas! It has too many berries.