Education News

Ascot Vale Little Free Pantry by Isla C. and Lucy M. – Room 19
On Monday 14th December 2020, we walked to the Ascot Vale Little Free Pantry. We went there at 10.45 am and came back at 11.20 am. We had parent helpers who walked with us there. They were Shiloh’s dad and Harper’s mum. We walked in pairs and carried tins of food to the Ascot Vale Free Pantry.
Room 19 had voted to give food to the pantry and not give anything to each other as we knew that Covid 19 had made things bad for many families. We know that Rooms 20 and 22 also have done the same and donated to the pantry.
At the pantry we found out that it is a place to give food to people who do not have enough food for their family. There was a lady who told us about the pantry and how it works and what you need to know about the pantry. Her name was Amanda and she is Ivy in Room 22’s mum. It’s not just food that you can give to the pantry, you can also give things that keep people clean like toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, soap. The people that need this stuff the most, take it as the cupboard is always open.