Assistant Principal's news

Thank you
And now, the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
My friends, I’ll say it clear
MPW’s special, of this I’m certain
I’ve loved the kids that’s true
Worked with parents and staff each and every day
But more, much more than this
I did it my way…
I would like to the thank the community of Moonee Ponds West Primary School for the time, support and effort you all put in to your children’s education and school to make it the best place it can be.
I was asked to come from my school to Moonee Ponds West in Term 4 of 2016. They say first impressions are lasting impressions and what I will always remember about my time at Moonee Ponds West are students who are confident and inclusive, staff who are passionate and caring and parents who are invested in their children’s social, emotional and academic development.
I have learned how to be a better listener, communicator and leader at Moonee Ponds West Primary School which will all be great tools to take into my new position as Acting Principal of Epping Primary School.
Thank you for your continued support, partnership and most of all, the laughs. It is a bitter-sweet parting but hope to see a few of you ‘around the traps’.
Barbara McKenzie