Principal's Report

Greetings Families, staff and students,
Well here we are at the end of another year. This year is like no other! What have we learned from this unusual experience? Let me try to summarise a few positive things that you, the students, and the general Victorian community have said.
Here are some highlights. I think we have learnt:
- About our family as we have had to spend restricted time inside and with siblings.
- Have learnt how your child learns as you have had to manage this at home.
- To cough and sneeze into our elbows
- That hand washing is very ,very important
- That wearing a mask can help
- That collectively we can achieve much
- That our children can be independent if we have the situation
- Children miss their friendships
- Children learn best together
- That some children have found it hard to come back to school.
- Teachers now know a lot more about the virtual space than they did
- That our teachers worked and worked to ensure that children were learning and gaining information.
- That most children are generally resilient and can bounce back
- That children give things a go!
Our recent assessment evidence for the term has concluded that across the school the growth is between 6 and 8 months. This is terrific given we have only been at school for a short time. Our 2021 Catch-up strategy will ensure extension and catch up for those who need it. The students learning needs will be identified by our assessment evidence and two of our experienced teacher Robyn Patrick and Adele Freeman will be doing the tuition in this support area. So there is much to look forward too.
Parent Rep Christmas coffee
Thank you to those parent reps who were able to join the Christmas coffee catch up. To those that were unable, next time. Here we are at the café.
Merry Christmas to all.
Staffing for 2021
The following are the staff in the Teaching Teams for 2021.
Teaching Team | Staff member |
F/1 |
Room 1 | Anna Sneddon |
Room 2 | Kellie Meehan |
Room 3 | Melanie Beissel |
Room 4 | Jess Greenbaum |
Room 5 | Lauren Klymenko |
Year 2 |
Room 19 | Karen Ghosn |
Room 20 | Naomi Turner |
Room 22 | Elizabeth Kandiliotis |
Year 3/4 |
Room 14 | Lisa McLachlan |
Room 15 | Toula Fenech/Carley Allan |
Room 16 | Tim Cannan |
Room 17 | Alyena Mohummadally |
Room 18 | Kim Satchell |
Year 5/6 |
Room 7 | Jarrod Sutton |
Room 8 | Helen Lockart/Tim Harwood |
Room 9 | Bill Abrahams (new to our school) |
Room 10 | Fiona Mckenzie |
Room 11 | Kim Simmons |
Specialist Teachers |
Creative Arts | Sue Phillips/Claudia Stolfo |
PE | Bree White/ Cindy Xu |
Japanese | Cindy Xu /Diana Vivian |
Japanese Assistant | Kari Fujita |
Intervention | Marg Wright (Leader) |
| Robyn Patrick, Adele Freeman |
PLT release | Julie Lanyon |
Education Support
Classroom support | Jill Doogood, Maria Pitt, Abby Sangiorgio, Chloe Marocchini |
Speech Therapy Assistance Program | Donna Butler, Julie Davis |
Administration |
Administration | Sharyn Reinke, Xavia Bicheno |
Business Manager | Sandra Monaghan |
Grounds/Maintenance | Brian Lees |
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge what a wonderful community you are and how well you support the school in every way. Even when we don’t agree it is important that we remain respectful and open. I have seen this in action many, many times this year.
Please have a happy and safe holiday with family and friends and I look forward to welcoming you back in the new year.
Sincerely and with gratitude
Kerri Simpson