The Voice 

Hello Craigieburn Secondary Collage,


My name is Dylan Marguccio, you may know me from performing on The Voice this year, so today I would love to tell you my experience and Journey during the long months of Auditioning, and travelling to Sydney to do my Blind Audition. 


It all started when I auditioned for a local music competition called Fast Track which I ended up going all the way to winning the Grand Final, which led to The Voice inviting me to audition. Now most people think that you just go to Sydney and do your Blind Audition, but no it’s not that simple. It takes months and a lot of stages just to get into the Blind Audition.


It all started with my first audition which happened at the Victorian Institute of music in Melbourne where I would perform a few songs to the produces and the directors which will lead me to find out if I go through to the next stage. After a week I got the news that I was through to the Key Checks which was the next stage. The Key Check stage is when the music directors choose you a song from your list and they teach me how to sing it and check how high and low I can sing the song to see what the best key is for my voice. 

A few months after the Key Check I got amazing news that I was invited to the Blind Auditions in Sydney. 


Finally the day came for me and my family to fly to Sydney to do my Blind Audition, the first week we your there I went to The Voice Studio where I practiced my song on the main stage in front of the coaches chairs but the coaches were not on set at the time and did my Interview that was shown before my audition on TV.  Now most people would fly back home for the weekend and would come back ready for their Blind Audition but me and my family stayed in Sydney for a whole week instead of flying back to Melbourne, So it was like a holiday. 


After a week the day come for me to perform my song to the coaches which were Delta Goodram, Kelly Rowland, Boy George and Guy Sebastian.


When the time came for me to go on stage to perform, I felt nervous and had butterflies in my stomach but I was also really excited to show the world that anyone with a disability can do anything. When I drive on to the stage it was dead silent until my song started and I started singing that the crowd erupted, during the song I struggled to breathe with some parts of the song because it was a fast song, unfortunately none of the coaches turned but I was still happy that I got an opportunity to perform on The Voice, But something even more amazing happened, the coaches came on stage and sang my song with me which was absolutely amazing.


I hope you all enjoyed my story and thank you for taking your time for reading my wonderful experience.