Aoife's Message

Dear Holy Cross families, 

As 2022 draws to a close we prepare to farewell our Year Six children. We celebrated in style on Tuesday night with a Christmas extravaganza in the multipurpose room. We are very proud of these children and wish them well as they begin their new journey into secondary education. We know that they will flourish and thrive, just as they have done throughout their years at Holy Cross.




Well done to Xavier Gauci on being the Sacred Heart Scholarship recipient this year. Olive Peavey was the worthy recipient of the Salesisan College Scholarship. Will Power and Jessica Hayes were the joint winners of the Gisborne Gazette student award. See photos below.



Staff farewell

We farewell Brian Coughlan after many years of teaching and tending to our outdoor area. Brian is keen to catch up with parents over a bbq in the new year (where we will no doubt persuade him to continue to share his extensive knowledge of our land with us - a retirement of sorts!). We also farewell Alison Mackenzie and Amy Cavanagh, they have also been long standing staff members who have contributed much to our school. I am farewelling them together as they are both moving to the same school next year, best wishes on your new adventure. Thank you to Lana Gusak who has been teaching with us throughout 2022, we wish you well as you spend time with family in 2023. We'll look forward to catching up with you at school pick up. 


Cathy Turner will be taking long service leave for all of 2023. Though her plans for a full year away have already been thwarted by a request from me to support us with Outdoor Ed one day per week in Term 1. Caitlyn Blake will return to her Outdoor Ed role in Term 2. 



We gathered as a whole school this morning to acknowledge Advent. Thank you to the children from Prep who were so excited to share the story of the Nativity with us. It was a joy to see them. 


Uniforms in 2023

A reminder that full summer uniform is to be worn, along with a hat each day in Term 1. On Sport and Outdoor Ed days children can wear their sports uniform. Black school shoes are to be worn, unless it is a sport/outdoor ed day. 


Thank you

We have had many parents help on so many occasions throughout the year that it is impossible to thank each person individually. However I would like to say a heartfelt thanks on behalf of our children and our staff for all of the parent helpers who have come along on excursions, been at working bees, spent time in our Outdoor Ed space and everything else in between. We appreciate you! 


Semester Two reports

We will be sending all student reports home via email next week. Please get in touch with the office if you have not received a digital copy by Wednesday. Our children have worked hard this year and can be rightly proud of themselves. 


End of year Mass

We welcome you to join us at our end of year Mass next Thursday 15th December at 10.30am.


Fee option forms

A reminder that all families need to return the fee option for that was mailed to them. Could you please return the completed form to the office as soon as possible.


Christmas Concert

We're looking forward to welcoming you all to a laid back and relaxing Christmas Carols evening next Tuesday 13th Dec, at 6 pm. Our PFA will be selling hamburgers, sausages and soft drinks. Mmm Coffee will also be there for all of your coffee needs. See you all there!  


Have a blessed and peaceful Christmas break, surrounded by loved ones. Looking forward to seeing you in 2023! 

