Teaching and Learning

Melinda Gall, Head of Teaching and Learning

Students at Year 7-10 are just finishing their first learning sequence. Assessment occurred predominantly in Week 9 in class on the skills, knowledge and understanding learnt this term. Much work is done to ensure that assessment is seen as a supported, non-threatening and engaging opportunity to demonstrate what the student can do. The following week there are learning activities in class to consolidate skills, knowledge and understanding that may not have been learnt as well as expected, and to extend those students who achieved success. Teachers will work to assess ALTs over the next couple of weeks and have feedback ready for parents and students in the form of Areas of Achievement and Areas for Improvement in the Compass ALT at the start of Term 2. We look forward to discussing learning progress with students and their parents/guardians and PTS Interviews April 26 or 27.

Pivot Survey Term 1 2021

During the last two weeks of term students will undertake a Pivot student perception survey in each of their classes. 


The aim of the survey is to promote student voice and enable them to provide feedback to their teachers about their learning in each classroom. This feedback will be used to design and drive improvements in teaching and learning. 


Research tells us that “when teachers use feedback to guide their practice, then they amplify their impact on student learning”, Hattie 2009. The data will enable teachers to learn how their practice influences student learning in each of their classes. 


The survey is based on the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and asks students questions such as: 

  • This teacher knows when the class understands, and when we do not.
  • In this class, the teacher helps me to build my vocabulary.
  • This teacher pushes me to think instead of just giving me the answers.
  • I feel comfortable asking this teacher for individual help about the things we are learning.

The questions also elicit feedback on the effectiveness of the SAEPAR instructional model and the integration of High Impact Teaching Strategies across the college. 


In addition to providing teachers with data about how the students feel about the learning in their classes, the data will be used to inform our professional learning over the next 12 months. 


We thank students for their valuable feedback and hope they understand how important it is to have accurate and honest feedback. 

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