CAT Competition

Aaron Brown, Mathematics Assistant Domain Leader

On Tuesday 23 March, the Mathematics team hosted the Computational and Algorithmic Thinking (CAT) competition on the Bluff Road campus. Students as part of the SEAL Mathematics program participated across Years 7, 8 and 9. This national one-hour competition challenges students to solve tasks using computational and algorithmic thinking. 


There were nine questions in total that students were asked to respond to, which required both multiple choice and numeric responses. Further information about the CAT can be found here and some sample problems to demonstrate the types of questions students are exposed to in a competition like this, can be found here.


I was extremely impressed with the way students conducted themselves throughout the competition. All students arrived on time and gave the competition their best effort, despite many of the questions proving to be quite challenging.


A big thanks goes out to Dene Vardouniotis (Facilities Manager) for his assistance with the set up early in the morning, so that our students could participate in this competition. Thank you also to Bob Fisher, Wilko and his student teachers for assisting me with supervision on the day.


The next competition on the horizon for our SEAL Mathematics students is the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC), scheduled to be held in August.


P.S - The AMT sandpit has some really interesting problems for those that are curious about mathematics and/or informatics. Click here to have a browse!