Education News 

Moomba Parade

Alannah K from Room 18 will feature in the Moomba Parade on Labour Day Monday, with her float "Amazing Science". 


Last year at the Moomba festival she entered her design in the 'Kids - Design your own float' competition. In October last year she found out that she and five other kids had won, out of 4000 entries! The judges had a really difficult time choosing the winning entries. They loved the different elements to her design, that it had an educational element to it and that it was a science-themed float.


She met with float designers in November to workshop the final design. The float designers, Show Works, spent 2 months over summer, and over 13,000 hours building it. She visited the warehouse last Thursday where she got to see her float come to life. She also got to meet the Melbourne Lord Mayor and was on the Channel 7 News. 


Alannah chose to do a science-themed float as she loves learning and reading about all things science and science experiments. "Science is exciting, and is all around us in just about everything - in nature, in our body, in space and in made-made things too!"


Watch out for Alannah's "Amazing Science" float at the The Moomba Parade from 10.45am – 12pm on Monday 11 March.