Principal's report

Dear Parents, Carers, Students and MPWPS Community members,

I hope you all survived the hot days we had last week.  The children were part of a Hot Day timetable and used this inside time to do some quiet activities of their choice and or complete some learning tasks that required further time.  The children were very responsible and of course this was very pleasing.

School Photos

April 2 is the date so get those smiles polished ready for Photo Day! It is timely that I remind you to remember that if you are choosing to wear casual clothes on this day, they must be sun smart and suitable for school.  Photo envelopes will be coming home so please ensure that these are returned by the due date. This will avoid any disappointment.

The Drop Off and Pick up Zones in Athol and Eglinton St

These areas appear to be moving more smoothly. Thank-you to those who are driving roundabout to roundabout waiting for their child to appear at the zone.  This is the correct process.  I have been a bit worried however when I see children walking between waiting cars to get to a calling parent’s car on the carriageway or seeing a child enter a car through the back door that is the closest to the road! Please be careful when picking up your child/ren in these areas.  The drop off and pick up zones are provided for parent convenience and for the safety of all children.

Early Bird Readers Club

We are looking for volunteers who can give 15 minutes (8.30-8.45) three mornings a week to be part of Early Bird Readers.  The Early Bird Readers Club provides reading practice for students who might need extra reading time to improve their fluency, confidence and comprehension.  If you can help there is a form at the General Office for you to indicate your interest and day.  Senior students also most welcome. You would be great Reading Buddies.

Swimming Sports

Last Friday (March 1st) our team of swimmers went to Queens Park Pool to participate in all things swimming.  Congratulations to those who have produced performances that will take them to the next level of the competition and to those who gave it their best shot.  Thanks to the staff and parent Jaz who accompanied the team and looked out for them over the day.

Congratulations to the students who are going forward to the next step on March 19.  These are listed on the Sports Page!

Census Day 2019

Last Thursday (Feb 28th) was Census Day in all government schools across the state.  On this day we confirm our enrolment numbers for the year.  For Moonee Ponds West we have a student population of 519 for 2019.  This is less than in 2018. Having a more definite local enrolment neighbourhood, means we only enrol those students who live in the school’s vicinity.   At present we have some wriggle room for enrolments, however we must be able to manage enrolments into the future.

Curriculum Day this FRIDAY (March 8th).

This Friday NO STUDENTS at school.  Our first Curriculum Day since day 1 of the school year.  On Friday our English Consultant Paul Ledwidge will be running a full day on writing and using the Writer’s Notebook in the writing process. As Principal I am charged with the responsibility to build the capacity of the teachers to provide the learning environment that supports the learning of all students. Constant learning opportunities within the school, from each other at the classroom door enables improvement. This year our Learning Specialist in Literacy (Kim Simmons) is working alongside Paul to build consistency and strengthen literacy instruction in every class. In the next weeks you could ask your child about their Writer’s Notebook!

Well that’s about it from me.  The 3/4 camp is coming up soon and it is very exciting.

Until we meet in person


Kerri Simpson

Principal (Acting at Moonee Ponds West PS)



The historical colours of this day are White (purity) Green (symbolising hope) and Purple (for justice and dignity).  More recently yellow has replaced white representing progressive contemporary feminism.